I have only had my bus for a year but it has lived outside and will continue to do so. No garage and I don't want to buy or rent one at the moment. It lives on my drive.
I have had other classic cars over the years and they have all lived outside.
They were all nice running cars but far from mint/concours. My cars from the 70's and 80's (purchased by me in the 80/90's) that I left outside had some rust on the body work and underneath and without exception they got worse. I guess it's the simple case of being wet that encouraged the tin worm.
With this in mind I still went ahead and purchased my bus that (as usual for me!) had some minor rust imperfections and in the last year they have got slightly worse but nothing horrendous. It does not live under a cover as my last car did as I found that the cover trapped moisture on the bodywork on that one and caused micro blistering of the paint).
My thoughts are that if my bus was in a garage miles away - would I use it as much? Probably not. I'm fortunate in that I dont drive to work but when I'm going somewhere I use my bus. I'm now planning on getting rid of my modernish daily driver and then I will use my bus daily.
Apologies for rambling but, IMO, if your classic lives outside you do need to make sure you clean it regulary and use it often as everything will seize/rust and daily ish use prevents much of that. Yes, it may well degrade a little but for me I wanted a bus and not having a garage was not going to put me off owning one!
Having said that if I could garage it, I would, and as someone has already said, as the prices of our vehicles continue to rise I may well change my mind and get a garage to protect my investment.........................