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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2006
Reaction score
Well, finally managed to put the last coats of paint on - used the
Rustoleum one mixed to my colour (VW Alpine White)!
After flating off the last spray and removing the runs, gave it 4 last
coats yesterday.
Still got a few runs on one of the corners so will have to wait till the
end of the week, before sanding back using 1200 W&D then I will go
over the rest of the top with G3 paste followed by buffing up.
Then I can get to put it back together and back on the top of the
van :D

Here's a few pics to show you what it looks like:






Also, sprayed the vents and all the other metalwork required for
the top:



And a poor pic of the run:

Hope the next pics will show it on the van!

Cheers :)
ProfessorWheeto said:
1200 is a bit course isnt it?
Are you laquering it as well?

Looks good though :)

Is laquer a good thing - what are the benefits of doing it as against not?

To flatten, what do you recommend then, 2000, 3000 w&d :idea:

Thanks for your comments (& dubberdaz) :D
is the rustoleum paint for metal mainly its good stuff isnt it. what thinners did you use to mix with it, sorry for all the questions but we are going to do my mate pop top and yours has come out really good cheers Lee..
Rusty - no probs with the questions.
Yep, the Rustoleom is mainly for paint (hence the name!), but enamel
paint can be used on most surfaces and because I new I could get it
mixed to the right colour, I thought I would give it a go!!!!

I used White Spirit as the thinner - around 20-30% - gives a good mix :D

Good look with your mates poptop :D
gninnam said:
Is laquer a good thing - what are the benefits of doing it as against not?
To flatten, what do you recommend then, 2000, 3000 w&d :idea:
Thanks for your comments (& dubberdaz) :D

2000 at least would be a good bet. Also handy to mix a little washing up liquid in the water as it helps to break the surface tention so the block and paper doesn't "stick" to the surface as much.

Well you can only laquer paints that are designed for it, from what I've seen the better quality paints tend to need a laquer.

Will try to remember to ask about the benefits of laquer at work. (they paint them, I just take them apart and put them back together!)
Right had a chat, the better quality paints come as base and lacquer and apparently they give a much deeper better looking finish and shine.
Cheers Professor - I should probably think that the enamel paint that I
have used (rustoleom) probably wouldn't benefit from the laquer!
Will try a 2K grit to see what finish I get :D
Yeah might react if you tried to laquer it.

But yeah 2k with the soapy water and job should be a good un. Then its just a case of not catching an edge and burning through with the buffer. (which is why I hate polishing cars :lol: )
Got to buy the buffer yet - thinks will see what machine mart have to
offer :D
Cool nice one.
Just be careful not to catch the edges when your using the buffer. Very easy to go through the paint, would be tempted to polish the bits round the vents by hand as you'll struggle to get the buffer in anyway.
G3 will be fine on the fresh paint, just remember to use some G10 if you plan to do your vehicles.

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