So I have been on with a few bits recently, I finished off all the interior panels, and carpeted the boot.
Looks neat, but other than that it's probably a bit over the top.
Then added some LED stripping under the dash, looks cool and wanted to have a missile switch on the dash. The kids love it!!
The next project has turned into a bit of a saga... I ordered some very cool whitewalls from MR Whitewalls and they arrived and looked the dogs. However after much research of tyre sizes they were just 2 wide for my rims.
So I ordered 2 new rims as mine were US versions and are wider than the std 5.5", 1 arrived and I promptly fitted the tyre and it still rubbed.
Mr Whitewalls very kindly swapped me the 185's for 175's, but I am now still waiting for that 2nd rim, 2 months later with no stock date and unable to return the other one as it has been used to mount a tyre. So I am still without whitewalls.....