Disconnect battery.
Bumper off.
Valance off.
Take photos and notes on the wiring on the engine before removing any connections.
Don't forget about the accelerator cable!
If you have servo'd brakes, disconnect these.
Clamp of fuel pipe near the tank. If you don't have an appropriate tool then use a couple of long sockets on some needle-nose molegrips.
Disconnect fuel pipe at pump (from tank) and catch the remaining fuel in a container.
Depending on what you're doing when the engine out you might want to drain the oil at this point.
Support engine.
Support gearbox.
Moustache bar... undo the lower bolts on the ends (I tend to leave the rubber mounts connected to the bar).
Up to you as to whether you leave the bar attached to the engine. I have done it both ways: leaving it on gives you something to lift the engine with. Taking it off makes it easier to get the engine out on a lowered bus IMO.
Engine to gearbox when looking in to the engine bay (all 17mm):
- top-left bolt goes through the gearbox in to captive nut in engine case
- top-right you need to undo the nut behind the fanshroud. This one is a pig.
- bottom-left there is a nut on the gearbox side
- bottom-right there is a nut on the gearbox side
Have fun!