Recon gearbox surcharge

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2009
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I've had one of those experiences today that has disappointed me. I bought an exchange gearbox from a very well know VW parts supplier. It was on an exchange basis and a surcharge of £420.00 was required. The surcharge was on the basis that my old gearbox was returned in a rebuildable condition. No other terms and conditions were given. As my old gearbox was fully functioning and just a bit noisy I thought this would be ok. You can imagine my surprise today when I chased the supplier having not had my refund one and a half weeks after returning the old gearbox only to find I would only be getting £240.00 back not £420 as expected. I was a little disappointed to say the least. The reason given was that the crown wheel was damaged and this makes the gearbox unusable.
My questions are, has anyone else had the same experience and am I being unreasonable to expect all of my deposit back? After all what is the sense in exchanging a gearbox which has nothing wrong with it and why was this not explained to me ?
Your opinions are very welcome even if you think I am being unreasonable.
I don`t like the sound of that :evil: The big problem is they need to do something to the box to make it re saleable I spose. But how on earth are you supposed to know what`s wrong with your gearbox if you put it in on an exchange basis ?? Presumably because you don`t know too much about gearboxes which is why you went there in the first place. It`s a hard one is that,, so you have to trust them that they didn`t mix it up with the other gearboxes that have been returned :msn4:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,, Spensive them V Dubs
dodgy said:
I've had one of those experiences today that has disappointed me. I bought an exchange gearbox from a very well know VW parts supplier. It was on an exchange basis and a surcharge of £420.00 was required. The surcharge was on the basis that my old gearbox was returned in a rebuildable condition. No other terms and conditions were given. As my old gearbox was fully functioning and just a bit noisy I thought this would be ok. You can imagine my surprise today when I chased the supplier having not had my refund one and a half weeks after returning the old gearbox only to find I would only be getting £240.00 back not £420 as expected. I was a little disappointed to say the least. The reason given was that the crown wheel was damaged and this makes the gearbox unusable.
My questions are, has anyone else had the same experience and am I being unreasonable to expect all of my deposit back? After all what is the sense in exchanging a gearbox which has nothing wrong with it and why was this not explained to me ?
Your opinions are very welcome even if you think I am being unreasonable.

This is laughable, and absurd to put it mildly.The good news is that you're entitled to a full cash refund :D , no if's or but's.

This is the reason:
1. The whole basis of exchanging a gearbox is that your old one is not working properly! If it was in a workable state, they you'd have no need to exchange it.

2. The conditions set by the seller is that your old gear box is re-buildable condition. Are they seriously saying that the gearbox is not re-buildable? If so Why are they not keeping all of your £420?

3. It's ridiculous to expect a gearbox to be in perfect working order, which seems to be the suggestion as it was working before you exchanged it.

4. They set the terms, they must follow them. The company is obliged to give you your full £420 back.

My advice is to send a letter to them outlining this, and if they do not pay you your full amount back, send them a letter before action and sue them in the county court (It costs £60).

I always record telephone conversations when entering in to any contract by phone, especially when the goods are of a high value. This may seem a bit extreme verging on paranoia, but what your told will then form an implied term of any contract, or if your told something false it will be misrepresentation under the Common Law and the Misrepresentation Act 1967, (which are grounds for rescinding any contract - that is bringing it to an end by yourself without any financial or other penalties).

Simply put your phone on loud speaker and use your mobile to record the conversation. If you have to recall the conversation two weeks or two months later, without a recording, you'll be chasing rainbows . Companies routinely record conversations with buyers, so why not follow suite?

Before you call them prepare a time chronology of events,outlining what you said and what they said, and then tell them what you want. :D Also get them to respond in an e-mail too, but use the telephone approach first.

If they give you and nonsense, let me know, I'll send you a letter before action and a few other things that will help focus their thoughts.

LV :msn4:
LV your bang on mate they cant do it. i'd also get trading standards involved i did once with grate results.
intresting ,name and shame as i think this could open a can of worms ???????
I agree with the above.

When a unit is not rebuildable it means the case is damaged beyond repair.

This would not be the case if the gearbox is still functioning and just a bit noisy.

Crown wheel and pinion sets are available and are a normal wearing item within the gearbox; the same way the gears, synchros, spacers, bearings and layshafts are for instance.

It sounds like they are shady and trying it on.
^^^^what they said
If the case was damaged or badly worn then fair enough,but surely they are not planning to reuse a 40 year old crown wheel and pinion and resell as a recon box,if they are I'd like to know who they are to avoid them.
Sorry mate, but I think they are playing fair.

I dont know where you got yours from, or what type yours is, but I had a T25 box from Bears a few years back and they were very clear that certain parts had to be reusable - not just the main case but the crown wheel & pinion as well. Said they are unavailable new, and were £££ when they were available. I just checked their site and they still say this. They replace synchros & bearings and bush this & re-shim that but if the crown wheel is duff then they can't repair that. I guess they can still use the case and gears if they have another box with good crown wheel and crusty case, hence you got something back.

Was the same on my old Triumph GT6 Back in the '90s - A recon box needs more than just a case to count as rebuildable. I'd expect most exchange re-con places to do the same.

Look at it another way - if instead of exchange you had asked them to re-con yours, what would you have done then when they took it apart and told you it had a scrap crown wheel? Find another used box at extra cost to rob the crown wheel from I guess.

It's a 40-yr old bus - sometimes they work out more expensive than you bargain for and it's nobody's fault other than old father time (and maybe the 17 previous owners who abused it before you...)
dub boy said:
intresting ,name and shame as i think this could open a can of worms ???????

Probably best to settle the matter before that happens :)
Lefty Westy said:
Sorry mate, but I think they are playing fair.

I dont know where you got yours from, or what type yours is, but I had a T25 box from Bears a few years back and they were very clear that certain parts had to be reusable - not just the main case but the crown wheel & pinion as well. Said they are unavailable new, and were £££ when they were available. I just checked their site and they still say this. They replace synchros & bearings and bush this & re-shim that but if the crown wheel is duff then they can't repair that. I guess they can still use the case and gears if they have another box with good crown wheel and crusty case, hence you got something back.

Was the same on my old Triumph GT6 Back in the '90s - A recon box needs more than just a case to count as rebuildable. I'd expect most exchange re-con places to do the same.

Look at it another way - if instead of exchange you had asked them to re-con yours, what would you have done then when they took it apart and told you it had a scrap crown wheel? Find another used box at extra cost to rob the crown wheel from I guess.

It's a 40-yr old bus - sometimes they work out more expensive than you bargain for and it's nobody's fault other than old father time (and maybe the 17 previous owners who abused it before you...)

If you bought online and didn't read small print then fair enough but if on phone and not made clear, not so great.

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Tapatalk 2
Well thanks for the comments even those not in my favour are really appreciated, I also appreciate the comment that sometimes these old busses cost more than you think and you have to live with that.
I have asked the company who wont be named to add an additional comment to their brochure so anyone else who buys from a show and not over the internet can be made aware of the exchange policy.
Sometimes it isnt always about the result its about how the company deals with it and in this case I dont think they really wanted to listen. It is a close community, we need parts suppliers and they need us so a little flexibility and understanding goes a long way to sooth a customer who at the end of the day has just spent £800 with them.
Anyway hopefully the new gearbox will be nice and quiet and I will enjoy getting the van back on the road.
Cheers Guys
I suggest you just buy a cheap box, whip off the belhousing and return that (assuming the R+P are you) then that is simple enough to see.

The £420 is more than enough to cover a new diff so that is a little on the strong side but I disagree with what Trikky says, the R+P is not a consumable item as synco's and bearings

I've had lots and lots of boxes (just dropped a couple more off for a re-build) and this is the main part they check for. Gears and bearings and synco's are the cheaper parts to replace

That said I suggest the company you bought this from were wrong not to point this out as it is such a simple thing to check

Name and shame
I would have expected to have the full £420 back.

It's swings and roundabouts - some boxes they get in will need a lot of work, some will need less.

You can't expect all your customers to have sufficient mechanical knowledge to know what will need replacing in their gearbox.

I'm sorry if this appears a bit cynical but I saw the guy restoring my bus earlier this week.
He did some searching for a small part for the sliding door - it's about £14 from a commonly used 'specialist' for a small piece of plastic.
From a 'non-camper specialist' supplier just over £2!
Time for an update!
The engine and box are now back in the bus and I have been for my first short drive. I have to say its a massive improvement over the old box. Even when stationary the noise level is much better. So it cost a lot more than I had budgeted for but at the end of the day it was worth it. So now only the engine, brakes and front beam to do. Better get saving the pennies :)

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