Right I'm off !!!

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This thread's making me jealous - we're supposed to be off to France a week today, but the van is still in the garage with a dodgy ignition barrel and awaiting an MOT


I'm crossing fingers, toes and everything inbetween ...

Have a good trip crede 8)
Wow well were just outside Cannes at the farmhouse , had a bit of nightmare drive over the alps as the motorway was gridlocked so got off and decided to go short route .... Aaaahhh wrong , took ages 5 hr drive turned into a 10 hour drive :shock: up some monster mountains , the goddess ran beautifully , and deserves the red spotted jersey ;) I did the saint Bernard pass last year but this suppassed
this by miles a good 15 mountains up and Down , 1st gear stuff at times in 80 degree heat ... What vans these earlybays are superb !
Anyhow got to get back on the leffe beer or as we say here " you having a leffe ! " lol

Take it easy ,



One of the farmhouse and one of a stop off for brew !

Bus ready to roll unto Italian lakes tomorrow , going to try and get the casino shot in monte Carlo :lol: here's a pic from Cannes

Wagons roll

Well decided to stop in Alexandria tonight as a little to far to the lakes so be there by in the morning , great drive up to here very picturesque , and hilly but were done with hills for a few days now hopefully 33degrees today phew it was hot hot hot , so a bit of naked driving was in order :mrgreen:

I'll check in with some pics real soon

Take it easy

Well were at lake majorie right on the lake I could chuck a stone it's that close alexandria was a twat for mozzies the twats were well hard with knifes in there mouths ! Anyhow back to bronzing my body lol

Last day at the lakes today , were of to Germany tomorrow via switzland through the st bernard tunnel so looking forward to that, still no wfi so no more pics I'm afraid

It's a cool 88 today oooffff

It quick data roaming so here's a pic from the lake beach at lake majorie


Take it easy

Hello all been in through Switzerland Lietchenstein Austria then into Germany at lindau then onto rynmuster then today a bit of hardcore naked driving hammer down , up germany through luxombourg in to Belgium ! At a great site with a climbing wall in the pool lol :lol:

Tomorrow back into France towards Calais for the Chunnel for the miserable uk drive home

It's been an epic journey ill post some pics on saturday the goddess has and is the best bus
I've owned and doubt I'll ever sell

3 euro tours in 3 Years covering 8500 miles oooooffffff

Take it easy

Panic tanning now


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