thanks surfbus
Right i put the bus back together last night, this time i seperated(and refurbished the torsion arms), greased the hell out of everything restacked the springs and hey presto we have suspension YYYYYeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaHHAaaaaaaaaaaa
Whilst test driving down a particluly bumpy road there was a bang and a very sudden downward shift in front ride height.
Got out and the bus had dropped pretty low as the top adj bolt had come off leaving the van resting on bottom spring only. I limped frank home to find out the reasons for my woes were that i had threaded the top adjuster boss
I'm usually really really careful to avoid threading stuff but the frt suspension has been took apart so many times now i'm not all that surprised. Creative are sending me a replacment, so i'm off now to strip the frt suspension again!!
looks like i won't make the bus stoppover, aiming to sort the suspension and a new oil leak for camperjam.
Grazy mate i know how you felt now, pretty scary really.
The upside of all this of course was it looked so so cool after it broke
just before the breakage
after the breakage