So should I be annoyed?

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Well I've never trusted the motor industry which is why I will do everything and as much as I can but this of course take a lot more time so I'm basically sacrificing my own Vw lifestyle because there never on the road.

The only other car I had painted professionally was a golf back when I was about 21 and that went to 3 different guys and still came back pants.. So I've no trust what so ever with anyone anymore!
I'd be pissed if it was me - my (albeit limited) experience is that some of the more well known companies are appalling. Perhaps they know they have a steady feed of work, but it needs some level of service as well as the physical work. I think a lot are riding the wave of popularity - and milking it while they can.

I've been trying to get some of the 'bread and butter' jobs done since September and have been let down constantly, by people who are well known on here and one who has already been referred to by someone else. In the end, I found a chap in Nottingham who works out of a little workshop, recommended by Laurie Pettit, who rang me back, did the jobs I asked him to, and rang me when it was finished. Doesn't advertise, so is cheaper too.

I keep seeing lots of magazine features about these 'experts', so someone must be happy
Dude, pull it out of there, if your having problems now and getting nowhere, it will be the Ame all the way along the line, take it to someone that wants your money!
Such a shame mate. Read your thread, you clearly put a lot of work into it.
Can't believe how patient you have been Mark i'm gutted for you
You do what's best for you mate

I'd be pretty sorry very annoyed :evil: as well ... learnt from harsh experience VW Specialists as nice as they seem appear to take on too much work and its not uncommon to hear of people being let down. Think they work on the basis there's another mug punter round every corner so if this person gets p1ssed off then it doesn't really matter

My tips ...

Don't pay large sums upfront.

On completion check the work thoroughly, withhold money if necessary until put right

Try and maintain a business relationship ... he's not your mate and if the work is poor easier to deal with a service provider etc
this is the whole reason i am doing ours (" onclick=";return false;) myself will take as long as some specialists and i know it will be "right". and if it's not at some point in the future at least i have not forked out 50quid an hour labour just my hobby time and parts

when i needed the windscreen bulge repair doing not so long after having her i took it to specialist near me who gave me a rough price but could give no timescale, cross him off. also went to a well thought of autobody shop locally who could not or would not even give a ball park cost even to within a hundred quid and said it could take a week or a month "did'nt know", crossed him off.

so did that myself on the drive under a tarp, no more leaks and you cannot tell it's been done.
Complete tossers aren't they!!! I had the same ***** with a mechanic the end of last year. Lovely bloke, thought I won't rush him otherwise I'll just get a rush job so let him make his excuses again and again then when I finally picked it it was a slap dash job and uncompleted.
So knocked him the last couple of hundred quid and got a manual, went through youtube again and again, got lots of advice on hear and did the engine myself.
I know what your saying now I about letting them do it as the front rust is due to them so they have to do it at their cost but if this is how they do things you can imagine the finished job can't you?? I'd cut my loses and take her somewhere else mate.....then pop back one night for a quiet chat ;-)
Cheers guys, sleepless nights ahead I think..

Mark6455 said:
Can't believe how patient you have been Mark i'm gutted for you
You do what's best for you mate


Believe me it's getting thin, it's more that I've just given up with it completely. I thick I'm going to be moving the 68 this week up to ours. No paint!! On this one though.

I'm in tonight if your working and fancy a gab,
sad sad world but trust no one,with anything ! not a good outlook i know but people and their ooh it'll take me this long !! is utter *****. but i will need a deposit...if you could lay some cash in my hand till then..yeh another waster
I'd never take mine to a 'vw specialist' (even though I did buy it from karmann konnection :D )
At the end of the day why do you have to be a 'vw specialist' to paint a vw? I've been using the same local bloke to paint my vehicles for 12yrs or so, he's done my ford RS's , BMWs, and would now do my vws. I'd stay away from anyone that's part of 'the scene' and everyone's mate, and go to the bloke down the road who's had the same workshop for 30yrs and has customers revisit year after year.

Get it out of there , it looks sad and neglected! :cry:
I would be livid - shame none of the "professional restorers" on here can offer any decent advise.

The whole VW restoration business model is a difficult one to grasp - glad mine is staying in OG paint and will only need professional garage help for access to a 4 post ramp.

Good luck getting it sorted - find a new garage and get a start and completion date in writing or walk
I think there are a few good Vw specialists out there, far more bad by the sound of things though.

When our van was done last year the service was excellent, good communication, lots of pics and regular updates. All done on budget and on time. Just make sure you get feedback from past customers and keep in touch with them for updates.

Back to the original question, I would be annoyed to. If they couldn't do it straight away they could of spent half a day making sure it doesn't deteriorate.

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I've read this post right from the start and I suppose it can be rather easy to say get the bus out of there. You where obviously happy to allow them to take the bus away maybe a bit iffy, but they still took it.
Granted you could question why it wasn't covered it some kind of protection from the elements.
However, if they had washed, dried prepped and primed the bus this would of been billed to you. Not sure on cost!
Now their prep time maybe longer but done only once and you'd hope done properly to the quality you'd expect.
Yes the bus is rusty, my beef would its had nothing done in 8 weeks.
This kind of thing needs a face to face conversation, if your not happy you then make your decision from that.
I agree with a start date on a contract but a completion date is always going to slide as we all know until you open these cans of worms you don't know what your going to find, so it's in the best interest of the restoration company to keep its customer informed on further developments that may cause further delays, also helps with photo graphs which proves how much further work has been unearthed.
As the famous saying go with your gut instinct.
I will say one thing hand one heart don't loose faith, you got a vision for your bus keep it firmly in your head. You'll get there, and it'll be worth all the blood sweat, money and tears when you get there. Good luck with it all. It's your bus, your rules dude!!!! Ben
Bay-low71 said:
I agree with a start date on a contract but a completion date is always going to slide as we all know until you open these cans of worms you don't know what your going to find

I do not agree with this commonly accepted practice - project managment is a key aspect to running a profitable business, the prospect of a rotten bus should be factored into the initial consultation. It is pretty easy to establish if a bus is a wreck after a bit of a poke and prod. If the company does not carry out a pre resto check I would avoid them.

It would be totally unacceptable in any other business so why do we take it?

I would not agree to a contract for restoration that did not have a definite completion date - if I did and it was not completed in time I would have penalty clauses drawn in to compensate me for the delay. Civilian contruction industry works the same way and these restos run into several if not tens of thousands of pounds.

It winds me up that there is a lack of communication and we as customers are expected to factor in delays mounting to several months and sometimes years so the restorer doesnt do a "rush" job.
StuF said:
Bay-low71 said:
I agree with a start date on a contract but a completion date is always going to slide as we all know until you open these cans of worms you don't know what your going to find

I do not agree with this commonly accepted practice - project managment is a key aspect to running a profitable business, the prospect of a rotten bus should be factored into the initial consultation. It is pretty easy to establish if a bus is a wreck after a bit of a poke and prod. If the company does not carry out a pre resto check I would avoid them.

It would be totally unacceptable in any other business so why do we take it?

I would not agree to a contract for restoration that did not have a definite completion date - if I did and it was not completed in time I would have penalty clauses drawn in to compensate me for the delay. Civilian contruction industry works the same way and these restos run into several if not tens of thousands of pounds.

It winds me up that there is a lack of communication and we as customers are expected to factor in delays mounting to several months and sometimes years so the restorer doesnt do a "rush" job.

I agree with this. If they're "specialists" surely they know what work needs doing by now....
StuF said:
I would be livid - shame none of the "professional restorers" on here can offer any decent advise
We can not really offer any professionel advise see orginal thread" onclick=";return false;
What we would say is always check with previous customers.
midlandpaintwerks said:
StuF said:
I would be livid - shame none of the "professional restorers" on here can offer any decent advise
We can not really offer any professionel advise see orginal thread" onclick=";return false;
What we would say is always check with previous customers.

I wish I had gone to you guys for a job I had done last year. :roll:
StuF said:
I would be livid - shame none of the "professional restorers" on here can offer any decent advise.

Problem is as soon as one of the other body shops offers advice it turns into a **** storm and they are remembered for the arguments and not their work. Sad but thats the way it is.

This is no witch hunt,

I've seen their work, I've spoken to some of their previous customers (non Vw too) and their happy.

So I've no doubt they can do it how I want it,

Oh and everybody keeps saying its a resto, I don't see it as that I'd actually see it as more of a colour change than a resto. Being a good us import its had a patch of the drivers floor and a battery tray (all of which I have done myself) so apart from some damaged to the rear corner which is getting pulled and straightened it just wants the shell prepping and painting.... Well it did before it left my hands anyway.

You could eat your dinner off the underside...

Everyone wanted me to paint it myself, which I feel I would of done a more than adequate job but being the perfectionist I wanted a pro concours job as I don't care what you say you will always see the difference.

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