not gone in today as snow over the Malverns is bad and just heard on local radio that the bypass in Ledbury is closed,could have got in but it was the getting back home :shock: so any more stayed in?
I think it's likely to be the opposite for me.
I'm supposed to be on days off, but I'm now on standby to work tonight, if my colleague doesn't make it in.
That's the downside to living within walking distance from work! :roll: :lol:
Well I'm home but not because of the snow, more because I have not worked for the last 2 months so every day is a day off...
Been out to get some food etc as the shopping isn't going to be delivered. Done my good deed for the day - rescued an old woman who was stuck in her car who must of been 80. And towed a few others stuck, the downside of living in the middle of now where is as soon as there is snow everyone gets stuck and blocks the roads.
But I do have to go out and pick up the wife and kids. Very slippery out on the side roads and the snow coming down fast just outside London.
Luckily the Bay is tucked up in the garage, shame really as I had a few plans this weekend. By the way for those that have covers on their buses don't be fooled into thinking it will be protected, wipe off the snow as the weight and dampness will penetrate the material no matter how good the cover is, believe me I know.
Im in suffolk. Had snow since Monday. Im self employed and work outside. I've worked most of the week but didn't today. Couldn't face it today. More snow to come over next few days. At least my bus is tucked up give n dry in the garage
Self employed brickie, had 3 weeks off no pay over xmas, done a weeks work, now had this last week off, next week ain't looking good either, doesn't take too much time off for us to get into debt, on the plus side all them little jobs round the house are done and just took the monster out plaggy bagging down the big hill!!