Something worth thinking about

Early Bay Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
Sheppey, kent
As I mentioned to myvanway earlier, anyone with a propex or similar should check their insurance docs.
Mine states that any after market heating systems or cooking equipment that's fitted must have been fitted by an approved fitter, and have a cert to prove so. If not, any fires caused by any such equipment will not be covered by insurance.

Just thought I'd put that out there. Brett.
I just think its all well and good buying fitting and enjoying these different heaters but we all now what insurance companies are like, they won't pay if they don't have to! Even if people fit it then get someone to look at it and give a cert it will cover their arse if the worst should happen.
In all fairness, this is a serious matter, and as most of the guys on here are bang on with there work, I would hate to here of any accidents caused by ill fitting propex's.
I will speak to our gas safe guy next time I see him.
I do have, and advise other people to always install CO!! Alarms into there vans...whats £20. compared to some of the stuff we buy?!;_ylc=X3oDMTdscnFsMTFqBF9TAzIwMjMzOTIzMTIEYQMyNDAyMTNfbmV3c190aHJlZV9kaWVfY2FyYXZhbl9wYXJrX3RleHQEY3BvcwM0BGVkAzEEZwNpZC01OTk2NDEEaW50bAN1awRpdGMDMARsdHh0A1RocmVlZGllaW5jYXJhdmFucGFyawRwa2d2AzMEcG9zAzAEc2VjA3RkLWZlYXQEc2xrA3RodW1ibGluawR0YXIDaHR0cDovL3VrLm5ld3MueWFob28uY29tL3RocmVlLWRlYWQtY29ybndhbGwtY2FyYXZhbi1wYXJrLTE4MzYxMjkzMS5odG1sBHRlc3QDNzAy/SIG=12sh5vlie/EXP=1361793537/**http%3A//" onclick=";return false;

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