Charging is still working so I am confident that it is now under control and feel much happier about jumping in the bus and driving it anywhere.
Decided to swap the Red9 new (2021 purchased) bevel box over the weekend, unbolted everything then remembered why I didn't change it before

There is a flange coupling that attaches to the rubber coupler that is bespoke to the Red9 kit and my last attempt to hit it off the old box with a hammer failed, as did this weekends attempt! I will need to get another or take the bevel box to a workshop and use a bearing puller, so that's a job for another time (again!).
New bevel box v old design
The flange that needs to be removed is circled. Will get damaged if hit to hard…
Whilst I was there I changed the rubber coupling, its been on there a number of years so I fully expected the worse, but no, in fact it was perfect! It was identical to the new one other than it had VW stamped on it. I changed it anyway whilst I was there and wished I never bothered as now the steering wheel isn't straight

Whilst the front end was jacked up I noticed that the front NS wheel had some movement in it, the ball joints were good so nipped up the locking nut holding the hub on, the manual says don't do it to tight and that the washer should be able to move with the help of a screwdriver so will give it a week and check again.
Another thing I noticed is that one coilover had lowered itself presumably due to vibration, I had to raise it a full inch on the passenger side to level it up, and whilst I was there I put the dampers on their softest setting, I had in my mind that having them set to firm would stop the tyre hitting the arch on fast undulating roads but recently rethought it and concluded that was the springs job! The ride is now much better!
I will jack up the rear end this week and check the engine/gearbox connecting bolts for tightness, if you remember this time last year they were all loose (one missing) and I have terrible judder in reverse and the box was jumping out of 4th! Will be checking engine mounts and fuel lines at the same time!