TES/ VWEC engine options - advice please!

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
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Hi all,

We're in the market for a new engine, and have budgetted sensibly when buying the van to permit this. The initial plan was for a late bay with a Type 4 2.0l but the 1968 Dormobile won our hearts so we went with it, despite its knackered motor. (Death rattle and about 2 inches of end float!)

We don't want to cut the engine bay and want to keep Type 1 engine, so several options seem available. We want to go big as we are likely to be using the van for some long trips up hill and down dale. Unfortunately much as I would love t, I don't have space or realistically time to do a rebuild of what we have - and it may not even be possible based on the end float, chances are the bearings have wandered significantly...

I see TES does a 'Mexico' engine - UK built, so the name is a bit of a thrower - for £2469 for a 1776cc.

They also offer a red 'Big Bore Thurrock' 1776cc for £1,949 which seems like the same engine for £500 less?

I also note that Big Bore Thurrock engines can also go to 1835cc or 1914cc for a very similar price - so in theory one could have up to 1914cc for £2039. That has a 009 dizzy and But my worry with these is - is that TOO far to push a Type 1? I don't want a drag racer but having driven a 1600cc I'd like more power than that.

I also note that the VW Engine Company offers a Big Bore 1776cc for £1475?

We have also budgetted for a Freeway Flyer or maybe even a 5-Speed gearbox too following some earlier advice as I understand one runs out 'gear' before one runs out of 'thrust', if you like!

Thanks all, I realise there wont be one definitive answer but I'd be really pleased to hear of various experiences!

Great choice in getting a 68 Dormobile. There's not many of us around. 8) love to see some pictures at some point

I bought a recon 1641cc from the VW Engine company last year and their service was brilliant. Engine is great too so far....
There's not many of us around. 8)

Indeed not!

Photos to follow soon in a new thread - I don't have the van at home at the moment so can't readily get any new ones! A bit "shabbois" ATM but work in progress over the winter!

All good tips so far - keep 'em coming! Has anyone gone beyond 1776?
There are many variables here. So speak to a few people about what you want from the van and how you will be using it to get done recommendations. The combinations of crank throw and bore size can give you a lot of options, but you need to consider the cam profile, the heads and clave plus rocker assemblies, definitely get full flow filtering, but what about an external supplementary oil cooler. Then your choice of carbs etc...
You can always go to a reputable engine builder to have something built to your own spec. It all adds up.
On the gearbox, I am considering changing from my standard 71 box to something longer, but so far most if my miles are on A and B roads (also single track up in the highlands) so I would not really get the use if the longer gearing.
I have a 1955cc engine and the box can handle it ok, but I don't drop the clutch hard on it.

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Dickie524 said:
Has anyone gone beyond 1776?

I've got a 2270 type 4 in my van (late bay), a customer has the same in his early, and I know a few others with earlys with 2l plus sized type 1 engines...

Yes they are race inspired engines, but normal day to day driving is very easy too

I did over 10k on my engine, and I pulled it down to check bearing wear, and it was like new inside!! :cool:
Just a quick question, where are you in the UK? 8)
That's good to hear Paul W, I was worried that approaching 2l would be overdoing it and result in a powerful but short-lived engine.

@ 'easy' - we're in Derbyshire between Derby and Matlock so fairly central, but I've yet to hear of any engine builders nearby...!

Happy enough to travel to collect an engine etc, but unfortunately Kent etc is a long way for a chat!!
Hi Dickie,

There's an engine builder near North Allerton, can't remember his name or business name.
He raced a bug and won championships heaps.

If you call Matt at Autohaus Dolby in sheffield he'll be able to tell you name and number, might be a bit closer than Kent.


rallye dale said:
Speak to Alex at vw heritage, they do engines also, plus we get a forum discount ;)

I can help with a 1776cc and a freeway flyer,

I would look carefully at the specs of all the engines you are thinking of, differing companies offer very different quality of parts etc. Especially when it comes to remanufactured engines.

I have a 2276cc in my bay which is pretty highly strung. In 6 years I've rebuilt it twice and its sat awaiting it's third, but this has all been due to my heavy right foot and lots of high RPM burnouts, so completely my own fault. But bigger cc engines are much more likely to go wrong and require a much higher level of maintanance.

Had a 1776cc before that which I gave similar abuse too and its still going strong in its third bus (I had it in two) and have now sold it to a chap that has it in his van. the engine is 10 years old done about 80,000 miles and been proper abused and never missed a beat.

Let me know if I can help or offer any more advise:

[email protected]

01273 444 000

I'm in Tideswell so only 10 - 15 miles north. I have a 1776 in my 71, it is mated to a standard box, you're welcome to come and have a drive. Drove it 3500 miles round Europe this year and found it pulled great but as you'd expect cruising speed wasn't any higher especially with 40 - 50 degree heat across Spain in the sun.

I got Matt at Autohaus Dolby to rebuild my old 1600 for me when it melted itself, he did a fantastic job on it so he might be able to sort something for you - I know he's v busy for a good reason though, top fella.

Let me know if you want to try my van before I remove the front panel....

Dickie524 said:
That's good to hear Paul W, I was worried that approaching 2l would be overdoing it and result in a powerful but short-lived engine

It is something to be concerned about, which is why big engines aren't cheap, but on the flip side I don't do small 1600 builds as there is hardly if any profit in them if you try and compete in the £650+ exchange units...

So a big build type 1 is all down to the quality of components and the competency of the person putting the engine together!!

If anyone wants to talk numbers then they are more than welcome to drop me a message :cool:
Thanks all, that's been very helpful and plemnty of leads to follow up! Will set some time aside to make a few calls this Saturday (which is when I collect the rest of the carcass of the van, as it happens!)

Thanks so much for the offer of a drive too Ginga, that's very kind and helpful. Unfortunately after this weekend we're away to Ireland to visit the Mr's relatives for a week, so that';s the next 3 weekends out in total, so don't let me delay you, if you have works to be getting on with!

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