Updated 4/6/14.
These will be ready for Aircooled 14 ABW.
1. 69 Westy - Golden oak...... Collection from AC14
2. MartinSim - Natural oak..... Collection from AC14
3. Joemungus - Budgetbox.... To be posted.
4.flyingchimp -Budgetbox.... to be posted.
5. Childsey - Budgetbox...... To be posted.
6. Jay dee 101 - Golden oak... To be posted.
BudgetBox = £60.00.
Buddybox = £100.00.
Postal costs, ( UK) £10.00 delivered to your door 'Recorded', So will require signature so please arrange someone to be there!!
I will PM each individual as they become available to send. (Will need your desired Postal addresses via PM Ta)
NOTE: I will require payment as 'GIFT' via paypal please.
NOTE 2: Only me adding to the list and editing information please.