Started sorting my list of winter jobs on the dough ball at the mo.
Sorted out a weird leak i had in the front which turned out to be a wiper spindle coming loose and not sealing correctly, changed both seals to make sure.
Restoring and repairing the rear hinge covers at the mo as the new replacement ones are ****! filling them and paining them back to a nice white.
Replaced the sunvisors as the old ones would not stay up and was doing my swede in, so replaced and work like a charm! sooo much whoter now as well :shock:
Took delivery of my 4 Devon table legs to use on my original table, been after some for years but eventually got some made by stan @ camper interiors, who turned and made me a set up

look totally the same as the original and i can finally turn my interior table into one i can use outside. Awesome work and i just need to stain them/ wax them up the same colour as the rest of the wood. He also does exact match fittings 8)
Got a new rear hatch seal that will be fitted to the bus when i take it in for the roof and wheels to be painted Lotus white, around Feb 8) also got some new hub cap clips to fit as some of mine are bust.
Next step is to take the cooker and heat surround out of the original devon cooker unit for a big ol clean and respray of a few bits, ready for next year. (far to many fry ups i think! :lol: )
Looking at replacing the leisure battery as well next year to a high quality one as all the ones i have bought so far, only last about 3 years, so going big (which means unfortunately expensive!

Gonna be looking sweat in the new year i hope!
Will pop up some pics soon. :mrgreen: