UK import companies or individuals.

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Well-known member
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Cambridge, UK
Can anyone recommend some UK importers of early bays?

I don't always have the time to race around the country looking for an advertised solid bus to find it's not all that! Or organize a samba sale from the USA.
Midland Early Bay
FBI VW, Swansea
Karmann Konnection, Southsea
MCJ Imports, Warks
KieftEnKlok, Holland via T2D in Cambridge

Any of those ^^ should be able to help :)
Michael Taypic has a few for sale, mainly lates but he'll probably get some more earlies in soon enough!!!

I can give you his number if you like??
My mate Barry at Lonestar has a few in the country, just outside Norwich. He is on here as the Lone Star VW Company. (Might be one word). Great guy and very genuine. PM me if you want his number.
got ours from Gary at cool campers in Bournemouth, great guy and good service!!

What you after and what sort of budget, I know of a couple for sale , will try to get some contact details!!
World Wild Wagons. (Bedfordshire.);_ylu=X3oDMTE1MGRnOXJpBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2lyZAR2dGlkA1VLMDY1MF82NTA-/SIG=11fkp8vjt/EXP=1373944392/**http%3a//" onclick=";return false;
Check out Leon i know he has a couple on the way. also read this thread" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Slammed said:
My mate Barry at Lonestar has a few in the country, just outside Norwich. He is on here as the Lone Star VW Company. (Might be one word). Great guy and very genuine. PM me if you want his number.

Cheers Ollie for suggesting me , heres a link to my web for anyone interested ...

cheers Baz" onclick=";return false;
Just sent you an email :mrgreen:

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