Useless driver backed into my van in petrol station! Gutted!

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Active member
May 18, 2007
Reaction score
West Berkshire
Hi everybody just thought i'd tell you about a little incident which happened to me a little while ago.
Just as i was preparing for my road trip around Scotlant back in june (which may i add was fantastic) i was trying to fill up with LRP (as you do) but the damn pump wouldn't work. When the person in front eventually moved i jumped in the van, started it up and edged forward - nothing unusual there until a somewhat impatient woman barged in front of me from my left, (also jumping the queue behind me) stuck it in reverse and WHACK! Obviously couldn't see a baby blue and white Early Bay.
Dopey Mare!!!!!
Towbars aren't EB friendly - its done about £1500 damage

is it all her fault though according to the insurance company? :D

why is it some people are so impatient though, if you are in a rush or have a busy day leave earlier, at least look where you are going, i hope you either gave her an evil glare then kicked her car and said sorry i wasn't watching where my foot was going....opps giggle giggle puppy dog eyes or you gave her an earful.
No its all being disputed and my insurance co are being absolutely hopeless! Over three months on and i cant get the repairs underway - even though i'm fully comp!
These buggers are all to keen to take our money but when it comes to parting with some theyre a bit more hesitant.
She admitted liability at the time and was apologetic and there was witnesses and everything but still i cant proceed.
Its like banging your head on a brick wall.

Thankfully nobody was injured and the van is still useable (even though it makes me look like a crap driver!)

2 of the petrol station attendants saw everything but they are not allowed to be witnesses in case they upset customers!!!!!!

It was even on CCTV but still no progress!!!!!!!!
I hate it when people change there mind when it happens they are "i'm so sorry i didn't see you it's all my fault" then when they get home speak to there partners or just have a change of mind...grrrr

When i got hit by a car the guy was i am so sorry let me take you where ever its my fault claim what ever you want, then when I go to do that, he says it was my fault for being on my push bike in the road, grrrrrrr still **!@*'s me off as i'm the one with the bad leg....grrr

and whats that about the garage people not being allowed to say something, I mean surly they have to by law?
you where not in tescos filling up by any chance where you, i mean how can big companies think they are above the law, its like yes police office i did see customer shoot another customer, but i am sorry i can't say anything its company policy... oh its ok sir, we understand you wouldn't want to upset him di daaaa <-- thats the police skipping away.

what is the would coming to.........
No mate- was Sainsburys
But yeah same principle - what really bugs me is that one of the witnesses was a good friend of mine.I'm sure if somebody was theiving they'd soon be giving statements etc...
had to be one of the super markets, I wish you luck dude, I am sure it will all be sorted and your van will be ready again soon :D
I carry a disposable camera , as pics can often help in situations like this .Also you have to keep hasseling your insurance peeps , theyll get so fedup with you that they sort it.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil ! :wink:
chrisby said:
I carry a disposable camera , as pics can often help in situations like this .Also you have to keep hasseling your insurance peeps , theyll get so fedup with you that they sort it.
The squeaky wheel gets the oil ! :wink:

^^^WHS - phone them twice a day and always get the name of the person you've spoken to - they need to know that you won't be fobbed off!

Good luck...


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