valve clearance?

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
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Just a quickie guys, when I set the valve clearances I did so to 0.006 with a very slight drag as per book. On starting the engine and running it they sound a little tappity to me :? Question is should the feeler gauge be a little tighter when dragged through?
No. The reason your tappets are a bit loud is that they are not set to 6 thou. Let me explain. On older engines and those fitted with certain aftermarket valves and adjusters, you often get some dishing on the valve stems. When you set the clearances with a feeler gauge, the gauge bridges the dish like this
adjuster ]I) stem (sorry for crap diagram).

That means your gap is typically around 8 or 9 thou. The best way to get around this is to use a Gunson Click-Adjust that measures the gap using a screwthread with a clicker. I use this device for exactly this job on older well worn engines - quietens them down rather nicely. I once measured the gap difference between using a feeler and the Click-Adjust - it was actually 4 thou difference on one tappet and you could hear it ;)
Thanks BJ1 :D nowt wrong with your diagram

The best way to get around this is to use a Gunson Click-Adjust that measures the gap using a screwthread with a clicker.

where can I get one of these?

This is a fresh rebuilt engine but not sure if the valves are new or old. I'm sure with a reset it'll quieten down a bit, just don't want to over cook it.
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The method is the same for all types of tappets (i.e., unequal and equal rocker arms, and all types of thread). You’ll need to use feeler gauges to work out the number of clicks required for a particular type of tappet and clearance. Once you have this number, there is no further need for feeler gauges.

So, insert a thick feeler gauge of about .010 inches (.25mm) in to the gap between the valve stem and the rocker. The exact thickness is not important as this feeler is simply there to provide a level surface between the valve stem and the rocker.

Apply the Clik-adjust, and screw it down until a loud click is heard, and then back it off again counting the clicks until you can insert a feeler gauge of the correct clearance in addition to the .010 feeler gauge. For example, if the required clearance is.014 inches, count the clicks between .010 inches and .014 inches. This is then the number of clicks required to set that particular clearance, and the number of clicks should be recorded for future reference.

Now you can dispense with the feeler gauges, simply counting the clicks for each tappet.

So you pull out a .10, and a 0.06 on the feelers and stick them together, back the adjusting nut off and tighten the tool down. then count the clicks back till you can slide the ,10 and 0.06 feelers combined as normal, then remove the feelers and reset each tappet at the number of clicks?

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