What do you look for in a campsite?

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Well-known member
May 15, 2009
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Thinking of having a career/life change by starting a campsite. I know what i look for when booking one (beach, quiet, children friendly, not bothered whereabouts in the country) but what does everybody else look for and whats the most popular area of the country?
Tidyness, fair price and most importantly polite staff.
Turn up in a Bay and some look at you like they wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire :evil: . That may just be me though :mrgreen:

Keep us posted if you get set up. Always like to try new coastal places to do Sea Fishing.

Good luck.


P.S Reduced rates for EB Forum members ;)
The best ones we found go like this.........dogs on leads,fires OK,but no noise at night, no groups of drunk and or rowdy lads/girls, nothing too commercial or 'posh' but hot and cold running water,toilet block,showers.no 'pitches',basically just a field where the owner won't stand any messsing and you're left alone.
We've had the looks when we've turned up as well but we've stopped getting too worked up by them. We've never stayed at one that doesn't have pitches, do you not get encroachment if its just a field? If it happens then of course early bay owners would get a discount (splitties and lates pay more :evil: )
field, beach in walking distance (carrying a surfboard), surf, clean toilets & showers, no rowdy crowds, chilled out.

Good luck, there was one for sale in the gower at 800K :( , did consider but would properly still have to continue with the day job also :(
Were off down to Cornwall on friday to the same site we go to every year why?

dog friendly
good size pitches be it tent or motorhome
fair price
each pitch has water (cleaning yer wetsuits and general use) and a fair few have power
close to the beach
quiet at night
pubs close by
restaraunt close by
well kept pitches
clean ablutions

it doesnt have anything fancy just a good honourable clean site and 90% are return visitors (we can usually book on the day we leave :lol: sad I know)
Not caravan club approved, hate those arrogant bas***ds, make a point of never using a site that displays their logo.

Hot showers, clean toilets, not muddy, trees, and good views, pub near by a bonus.
we found one recently that we loved,..........nice staff, very clean, every time i went to chuck some rubbish in the bins they were empty (cuts down on them pesky flies and wasps!!), shower and toilet blocks were open 24hrs and spotless also had a built in baby bath ( handy as my son seems to think he is an ostrich an sticks his head in the sand ever time we go to the beach!), the field had pitches set out but loads of room for van and awning, they were very child friendly, they even have a little petting farm, nice to see all the kids playing together and making friends (who needs gameboys) about 20 min walk to a beautiful sandy beach, shops and a pub just round the corner for essentials.........thats all we need nothing fancy

its funny because we were saying that we would love to own a site one day, good luck,......... look forward to staying at yours one day!
.....................................kev :D
1. Somewhere lovely....obviously.....
2. Tents and small campers only
3. Rules and regs set up on your website/ telephone booking (Like keep your dogs and children under control....clean up after them.) Absolubtly no big signs telling you what you cant do all over he place (little notices are ok)
4. Somebody there to supervise all day / eveing
5 Quality , regulary cleaned loos and showers free (even if it is on a 30 second push button thingy)
6. Campfires would be great. :D

.... And what Aeron said....
Think i might be getting old but found an electric hook up a god send, clean shower block, close to (or on-site) shop (just for essentials, fresh milk etc)
After that just a clean, maintained site really (dont want to have to cut the grass to drive onto the pitch!)
Small and friendly, no club house, no swimming pool. Small clean and basic sometimes just a field.

I too get thoose looks when pitching up from other non vw van owners.

Most of all no caravans. :evil:

Good luck i have wanted to do the same and have ponderd over it for a few years now.
Well I used to look for a nice pub within walking distance, but I now have two small kids, so that may not be such a requirement any more! lol

I do think that regular cleaning of the toilets is esential though.
Good luck with your venture, i got to the stage of speaking with the council etc about a camp site, but all the red tape and lack of funds stopped me in the end, simple is often the best ;)
Thanks for the feedback its good to get it from you guys as your the people that we would aim for as customers. Everyone seems to be after the same things that we are when we book. Both me and my wife are a little bit fed up in our present jobs at the moment and fancy a change. We were thinking of doing this when i leave the forces in 6 years anyway, but i increasingly think we should do it now, why wait the pensions not that good? We've found four possibles at the moment, near Chester, near Pembroke, near Bude and near St Ives. All have different plus and minus points. Where's the most popular with you guys?
noddy said:
Not caravan club approved, hate those arrogant bas***ds, make a point of never using a site that displays their logo.

You need a 'not a caravan club site club'

I like trees so that the site does not look like a parking lot, sites with a large field and rows of tents is just too sanitised you need to break it up a little, it also helps with noise if you can put some greenery between you and the neighbors. Also need a good pub in walking distance (but not too close, 15 - 20 mins is fine) that serves food reliably, caters for children and has a good garden.

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