wheel balanceing

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2008
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Ive just brought some beauty rings for my wheels and intend to fit them but there are balancing weights clipped on the rims, i know that you can get them put on the inside (glue on ones?) but i wouldnt mind fitting them before before i take to van on holiday so my question is, can i just remove them? will it make a massive differance? or will my wheels shake like a freezing cold wet dog?
i rarely go over 65, only running a 1641 with twin carb,nothing huge.
I'd get them done before you go - there's nothing worse than discovering a rumble at your perfect cruising speed! It doesn't take long and shouldn't cost more than £3-4 per wheel.

RTemember if you do get them balanced get the doods to put the weights on the inside of the wheel so you dont see em, and dont effect anything :mrgreen:
Cheers for the advise :) im going to try and restore the wheels before my holiday (if i can get them off because the nuts are rounded and they are on that tight i broke 2 sockets, time for the angle grinder methinks!) ive just found out we have a wheel balancing machine at work so i can get it done for free (wooo!) and they said they will put stick on ones on the inside so all is good :mrgreen:
luke said:
Justin & Muttley said:
luke said:
...ive just found out we have a wheel balancing machine at work

You didn't know this?!! :shock:


Well actually, i found out we have about 20 :lol: do i look stupid now?

That depends - if you work in a garage or workshop of some kind then, Yes!

If you work in a hospital then No!!!

looks like im stupid then lol! although its is 800 acres big so that why i didnt know we had thm