Well then,,, I have been trying to clock up some miles on my new motor before posting on the forum, I did exactly what they have said above ^^^, I got a brand NEW !!!! 1641 from Alex at VW Heritage. My main man Nick phoned Alex for a chat and weighed up all the variables and between the three of us that is what we cooked up 8) At least I think I got a say in it :shock: :lol: :shock: but what was relayed to me made perfect sense. Once the decision was made, the motor was out to us in next to no time, and despite my best efforts at buggering everything up by supplying lots of various bits (all wrong) Nick managed to get the motor in and the van back to me. Unfortunately because of work limitations. I haven`t wacked loads of miles on it yet and am still being very timid with it while running it in. So far I have two hundred or so miles on it and I can feel it is strong but have yet to whip all them ponies :shock: :? :shock: .
Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,, Correct decision as far as I`m concerned :mrgreen: