Why does nothing on VWs go as planned?

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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2006
Reaction score
OK, so I know by now I shouldn't ever expect mending VWs to fit to any sort of timescale...

Yesterday, I managed to get my beetle running perfectly on its new (s/h) 1641 engine. Both carbs set up, idling perfectly, not dripping oil etc etc. Then, just as I was driving it round the block to check everything, it started to get severe clutch judder at the bite point.

Thus, this morning, I pulled the engine out as a few people suggested it could be a problem with the clutch or the flywheel gland nut (both of which I have tightened up before putting it in the bug)

Anyways, I got the engine out on my own.



Checked all the nuts, tight as they ought to be.

I managed to whack most of it together, got the engine back in but just as I was fitting the carbs it managed to start pouring it down even more heavily, rather than the light drizzle I had been enduring.

Anyways, what is the betting on me being able to put it together and drive it to Birmingham on the weekend then.
As my current daily driver it needs to :eek: :lol:

Otherwise I'll have to put my bus back together (which has been my daily for the last 3 months and behaved impeccably) in a hurry tomorrow!
When the bus looks like this?



Got a lot to do tomorrow methinks :lol:
Aaaah it's you - the college man!
I've been following your project, whenever I don't feel like doin anything on my bus, I just take a look at yours and I feel better again 8)

But er.. take the bug then
That's the plan 8)

Fingers are firmly crossed for good weather and a running beetle tomorrow.

As long as it gets me to Birmingham, I don't actually care too much if it makes the return journey ( providing nothing expensive breaks :lol: )

Glad I'm inspiring you, even if it is by having the crappest bus on the forums 8)
Tofufi said:
That's the plan 8)

Fingers are firmly crossed for good weather and a running beetle tomorrow.

As long as it gets me to Birmingham, I don't actually care too much if it makes the return journey ( providing nothing expensive breaks :lol: )

Glad I'm inspiring you, even if it is by having the crappest bus on the forums 8)

It's not about who's got the best or worst.

For the record i really like what you're doing and admire. I did my first VW @ 17 on a limited budget and still consider it the best as i put my heart and soul in to it.

Keep up the work as we are all watching, even though you don't know.
Tofufi said:
even if it is by having the crappest bus on the forums 8)

Oy!!! I have the crappest bus on the forums... :D

Put the camper engine in the bug... :D
Tofufi - Many of us have been where you are matey. It's all part of owning an old aircooled VW :wink: I take my hat off to you having TWO running projects :shock:

Keep it up dude, you will get there and don't be told otherwise :p
Can I claim the title "Crappest MOTd bus" then? :lol:

I'm not going to put the energy into argueing how crap it is don'tcha know :wink:

Anyway, in rather surprising news...

The Beetle made it to Birmingham, and in one piece!



It didn't have a problem all the way, although I did stop in 1 petrol station (2 miles from home) and both motorway service stations to tune up the engine.

Took about 2 hrs 30 mins to do 90 miles... so not too bad :lol:

Very proud, even if it is running like a sack of crap!

Especially considering than at 9AM this morning, it had no exhaust, carbs etc and at 4pm this afternoon I was lying in a puddle in the pouring rain trying to fit a heat exchanger :?

Nevermind :D It's all good fun.

Thanks all for the support guys, I love the friendly atmosphere on here :oops:
I feel a group hug coming on...



P.S. - I got the picture via Google - it isn't a personal copy, nor does it show me or my mates, blah, blah :lol: :lol:


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