why is your name...

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got the nickname pinheaduk at a school halloween party as i love the hellraiser films so went as pinhead, plus im tall and skinny so it suits, and the names stuck ever since

real name carl :)
well couldn't think of anything clever so typed in "do not ask" but then shortened it to dna.... :? :D
cool thread :mrgreen: long one mine. last name begins with a W so after the hillybilly vw advert (vee dubya) and my vw fetish mates at school called me dubya, my dad is also into vw's so that made me young dubya. get it?????? made sense to me. started on VZi forum when i was 17-18 now 22 so in a few years in just gona have to make it dubya lol.
I remember a guy from Kiss FM called....Streetboy. Some work collegues starting calling me it as my surname is Street. kinda just stuck.
i run a club night called hipshaker ..... so its shameless advertising of a sort.

http://www.myspace.com/hipshakeruk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
This is me at 15000 feet
:shock: "Im sure we should be faceing down" :shock:

I've Hugged the Ground ever since

Simple enough hey, my username. Not the most exciting choice but I've used it on a number of forums for a while. If I could change it I'd go for 'FlameBoy', why..............

It's so damn cool! LOL
i once worked nights in a office :roll: spent most of my day's cutting and playing with vw's (used to be watercools aswell :? ) smart people would say things like look at all that scum under your nails .......... scum .....dubs .... dubscum it is :D
Dont realy know why.
Its the name that i use on most forums i use.
Into Dragracing, guess its that 8)
Froggy is just a school nickname, there was a book at school that had my surname in the title. The main character was a frog and its stuck for the last 20+ years
matt-me is an old nickname from my early twenty's, shortened from 'I'm out of my head', or in sarf london speak, i'm matt-me head. Real name Al, which then became, al t me-head (out of me head - the t needs to be said in yorkshire speak as in 'the cows in t barn'). Those were the days........all grown up and semi sensible now, well......
Really nice thread!

my name here is fahrvergnuegen. it means driving-joy. the word fahrvergnuegen was invented and used in some volkswagen anounces in former times.
i use it because i really love this word. in germany it is written fahrvergnügen. but not many languages use the ü - so i use it with ue.

sometimes i use farbvergnuegen - farbe (colour) vergnuegen (joy) because i used to do graffitis

on my blog i use the name luftmassensammler. which means that i collect many aircooled cars (3 bugs, 2 busses, 1 type3)

greetings alex
im jon and im a photographer by trade.....
a 'lupe' is a small magnifying glass for viewing negatives and slides.....
until i went digital i spent a lot of time looking at my images 'through a lupe'!

i think 'lupe' is also a german word?!?

simple really :mrgreen:

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