Wrong Clutch

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May 10, 2014
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I have had my engine rebuilt and the chap has put a new clutch and pressure plate in for me but I think these are from a 1970+ van and mine is a 1968. The pressure plate is the one with many spring fingers and not the three spring arms, I have fitted this and the throw of the clutch does not seem to be enough. Can anyone confirm that this will not fit and then I will need to remove and replace it.


The worksmanual states that the new type with lots of fingers can be substituted for the three arm one.
Only thing is the pressure plate with lots of fingers needs to have a big 'ring' on the end of the fingers for the throughout bearing to contact.

Again not sure if 68 was a special year with pressure plates.
The three arms type clutch is the old fashioned spring type clutch. This design was replaced by the diaphragm type clutch (the one with the fingers) on pretty much all makes of cars durning the 70's. this was because the diaphragm clutch is physically lighter as well as lighter to use and is cheaper to produce as well.

They are interchangeable. There's two ways of making them fit earlier vehicles.

Many of these replacement clutches, like the Kennedy for instance, come with the ring in the middle for earlier vehicles, which has to be removed (held on with a clip) if fitting to later vehicles.

Alternatively, the clutch can be fitted without the ring but then the earlier clutch release mechanism has to be swapped to the later one.
Thank you for the replies this is very helpful. I know I certainly don't have the extra ring on the middle if the spring diaphragm. Can I get away with just changing the release bearing or do I need to change the mechanism also?
I have tried to see if I can buy the plastic spacer for the spring diaphragm but can't find one anywhere. Can these be bought separately? If not then what do I need to replace the release bearing and mechanism - is that the bar etc?
Any thoughts-
I have tried to see if I can buy the plastic spacer for the spring diaphragm but can't find one anywhere. Can these be bought separately? If not then what do I need to replace the release bearing and mechanism - is that the bar etc?
From experience - I'd just buy the right clutch and fit it - a lot easier than messing around changing the mechanism

I have had no time and not even looked at the clutch on the bus! Looking online I have found this pressure plate collar, will this fit my later Sachs pressure plate and allow it to be used with the early release bearing and mechanism?

http://vwparts.aircooled.net/Pressure-Plate-Collar-Early-Style-X-Shaft-p/pressure-plate-collar.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If you take a pciture of the inside of your bell hosuing around the input shaft in particular I can help identify if you have the correct clutch and if not what parts you need to put it right.

I would need to see the bell hosuing as siad particularily the input shaft.

Does it have a 3 bolted flange that protects the in put shaft?

Does your bell hosuing have the 3 holes to bolt on one of these sleeves?

If not there is another way of doing it so dont worry.



(P.s. if you struggle uploading a pic here pls email me at work so I can have a look, one pic per email pls, [email protected])

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