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  1. Raggles

    Brakes seized on

    Been away for 3 years due to life. Trying to get the van back on the road. Its been parked up under a tarpaulin fo 2 1/2 years. Fired up beautifully but the brakes are siezed. Am used to this on the rear drums with the parking brake ... have freed these up and the rears are turning fine...
  2. Raggles

    Upper Balljoint Boot Question

    I noticed whilst doing the front brakes on the van that one of the upper ball joint boots has come out from its bottom clip and slid up the shaft. The rubber is still in good condition with no tears and the retaining ring clip is still there. The joint seems good with no apparent wear or...
  3. Raggles

    Engine Bay Fire Wall

    My Bus is missing part of its firewall between engine and tank. Does anyone know if there is any difference between the early and late bay firewalls or are they inter-changeable?
  4. Raggles

    backfire question

    I have been taking the van up and down a few steep places recently. I noticed that when going down a steep hill in 2nd using the engine to aid braking, I can hear a gentle back firing when passing through an enclosed area. Is this normal? It isn't particularly loud or violent. If not, any...
  5. Raggles

    Full Flow Oil conversion

    Wondered if anyone could point me in the right direction here. I am in the middle of installing a full flow system on my 1600TP. The upper oil Gallery has been opened and tapped to receive a brass elbow for the return. I have an Empi pump cover with the side exit. Does anyone have a suggestion...
  6. Raggles

    Oil Bath Air Filter Stand/Bracket - Help Please

    I am looking to fabricate a new stand/bracket for my Oil Bath Air Filter. I have picked up a working 1971/2 version for the van but at some time in the past the stand has been cut out of the engine bay. Could anyone let me have the dimensions of the stand so I can fabricate a new one? In...
  7. Raggles

    red oil light - advice please

    I am hoping people can give me a bit of a steer with this. On my van for the first time yesterday the red oil light started flickering and coming on when coming to a stand still at road junctions. As soon as I raise the revs a little it goes out (the idle is at aprox 1000rpm). The light doesn't...
  8. Raggles

    Crank Shaft Timing Gear Problem

    Made a bit of a cock up of fitting the timing gear to the crankshaft. It must have cooled quicker than I was expecting, as although it slid over pretty comfortably it has seated about 2.5mm from the seating ledge above the bearing. Any suggestions? I tried putting a piece of pipe over the top...
  9. Raggles

    Heater Cable removal - any thoughts please?

    Does anyone have any tips for heater cable removal and replacement? I am finally getting round to replacing mine .. the ends have broken off at some time in the past and I can't move the cables in the tubes at all. To date have tried squirting Plusgas (as much as I can - difficult with the...
  10. Raggles

    Oil Temperature sensor/gauge - Thoughts please?

    I am considering fitting an oil temp sensor and new gauge to my 1600 twin port. Does anyone out there have any thoughts or recommendations as to what I should be considering ... and why? Am I right that whatever I choose ... it is not about the actual temperature indicated, but more about...
  11. Raggles

    Oilbath Air Cleaner

    I have a beetle oilbath airfilter fitted to my 1600TP which came with the van. It is the later type which has the diaphragm located just above the warm air intake spout which has the vacuum takeoff. However the lid to the filter does not have the spigots to connect either to the vacuum port from...
  12. Raggles

    1600 Twinport Tune up question

    Has anybody any thoughts/ideas/comments on the following:- I have set up my motor as follows.... set valves at .15mm cold. with engine fully warmed up ... 123 ignition unit set to 7.5 degree advanced on the built in test light then checked at 30 degree advance at 3,500 rpm. Set the carb...
  13. Raggles

    Thoughts please on the best source for new SVDA distributor

    Has anyone got any thoughts or recommendations/advice on where to source the best new SVDA for 1600TP (stock). 2nd hand original bosch units appear thin on the ground. I have been advised that many of the repro units have week or badly balanced springs which means that timing is hit and miss...
  14. Raggles

    problem with timing - 1600 twin port

    Hope someone might have some ideas. a bit of history to date... I have a 1600 twin port with SVDA points distributor with dwell checked at 50 degrees( supplied by the guys at Type2Detectives) and 34 pict 3 carb (a rebuilt unit from Tim at Volkzbits). The engine was dying on idle though it...
  15. Raggles

    Oil Leak ... any suggestions of source?

    Hi, I wondered if anybody had any thoughts/suggestions. I have recently had the engine in my bay out, stripped to the long block and replaced all the seals and gaskets .... Pushrod tubes seals, rocker cover seals, oil cooler seals (all four), alternator stand and filler gaskets, fuel pump...
  16. Raggles

    1300 Twin Port to 1600 Twin Port

    I am considering having a go at an engine re-build. If I have a 1300 Twin Port I have read that this can be simply upgraded to a 1600 by using the appropriate barrels and pistons. Will the heads also need changing or can the 1300 heads be used? ... the valves I believe are the same size on...
  17. Raggles

    Engine has suddenly started to die if revved

    Hi ... hope someone can help. Just recently my van has started to cut out when revved ... this is new. 1600 twin port with SVDA electronic ignition and 34 pict 3 carb plus oil bath air filter. (Pic below has the preheat hose moved out of way for clarity) What seems to be happening now is...
  18. Raggles

    Doghouse Oil Cooler upgrade - seals & spacer washers?

    Hi, I am currently considering up grading my cooling set up to a doghouse (currently is an in-line set up). I have a 1500 single port case which at some stage was upgraded to a 1600 dual port .... I read that this makes the in line set up borderline for cooling if much motorway cruising is...
  19. Raggles

    Oil Drip from Oil filler

    Hi, I seem to be blessed with a drip from the end of the lobe on my oil filler Neck - 1600 twinport. The drip occurs both when driving and also if I top the oil up when stationery. After filling if I place a rag under the lobe the drip eventually stops. Is this a common problem .... any...
  20. Raggles

    Trim Fixings for 4mm plywood

    Anybody know where I can get button trim fixings for 4mm ply door and lining panels ...The JK ones are too short .... or a screw trim fixing? Any suggestions/recommendations much appreciated.