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  1. Wellsy

    Road Trip to Cornwall

    Setting off to Stibb, just outside Bude on the 28th for a week, staying at Sandymouth park. Can't wait. Anyone stayed at Sandymouth, have only heard good things so far ! Six of us in total, Me the Missus, and 3 youngest kids, plus one of the kids friends. Just too much for the Dormobile, so will...
  2. Wellsy

    Earlybay in Orlando?

    Was in Florida last christmas/new year, the Old Town near Kissemee was something else, brilliant night, and there was plenty of VW's on show alongside the vast array of yank muscle. Had a better time there than i did in most of the "Disney" resorts. Col.
  3. Wellsy

    Had to happen sooner or later

    Dont worry, intelligence has to be present in order to insult it :D . Not stolen definatley. Put £30 of fuel in last night, underneath is bone dry. Must be a problem with set up. Thanks for the pointers though, sometimes if you look to hard you dont see the problem that has been staring you in...
  4. Wellsy

    Had to happen sooner or later

    Happened today :oops: Returning home from picking up chest freezer in Catford (London). Just pulled off M25, A10 junction. Was cruising along quite nicley, coming up to a green light, first one all day, so decided to increase the throttle action :P , then it happened..... Absolutley nothing...
  5. Wellsy

    have a read....

    The shame of it. What happened to the old man ? Did the the police MOOve him on ? Hope they did'nt turn the Udder cheek. :P
  6. Wellsy

    camper and bus magazine

    Hi, looking at a possible stay at brean sands, would you recomend it. Have young kids to entertain, any info would be appreciated, regards, Col.
  7. Wellsy

    Online Insurance quote - am I being daft?

    Hi, i use Heritage, got 5000 limited milege with breakdown cover including europe and some other bits and bobs, agreed value etc, £199. Used Lancaster last year, bit cheaper but no breakdown. Try These then let the insurance companys fight for your business, and they will, hope this helps, Col.
  8. Wellsy

    can i tempt any of you down to the Cornwall Jamboree?!?

    Seriously thinking about it, depends on the long-forecast, weather wise, as have 3 young kids to keep happy. Like the idea of a chilled weekend as this would be our first venture (camping) in the bus. :roll:
  9. Wellsy

    Stabbing - Not good, apologies

    For what it's worth you did the right thing. Your family, present, and soon to be, are your priority. You hear all the time about innocent bystanders and have go heroes getting injured or even killed in these sort of scenarios. It was your good judgement call under pressure that allowed you to...
  10. Wellsy

    how early is my bay

    Hi, I'm sure that if you find the chassis number you can then check model year digit (3rd figure chassis number). ie: 8 would make it Aug 67 onwards, 9 would make it Aug 68 onwards, 0 would be Aug 69 onwards you get the picture. Pretty sure this is how it works. Col. :roll:
  11. Wellsy

    Fuel Gauge Advice Needed

    Thanks for the advice and tips guys, will try and sort out the sender, as i think this will be the probable cause, really did'nt want an "engine out" scenario. Oh well such is an early bayers life. :cry:
  12. Wellsy

    Fuel Gauge Advice Needed

    Nothing at all, the needle is actually off the gauge at full.
  13. Wellsy

    Fuel Gauge Advice Needed

    I'm after tips on how "NOT" to run out of fuel. The fuel gauge on my Dormie does not register. I have had the actual gauge tested and this seems to be ok. I've been told it is more likely to be a dodgy sender unit. As you will be well aware not a straight forward or inexpensive fix. So has...
  14. Wellsy

    Nice Suprise

    Had a couple of hours free today so decided to take the bus for the dreaded MOT, (runs out next Monday). Flew through no problems, i was expecting a list as long as my arm for some reason. Just the pesimist in me i suppose, and the experience of running an earlybay. Happy days, so i can spend...
  15. Wellsy

    Inner door lock pulls and surrounds

    Hi, Does anyone have any ideas where i can find a pair of chrome inner door pulls and surrounds, either new or used. They are for a 1970 Dormobile. Only seem to be able to find 73 onwards. Too be honest only really need one surround for passenger side. Currently running with horrible black...
  16. Wellsy

    Buddy seat

    Thanks, you can pick the extinguishers up from Ebay. Price depends on if its new or second hand. Would advise getting new one for obvious reasons. Think mine was about £45.
  17. Wellsy

    Buddy seat

    Cheers, the covering was a bit rushed, will endeavor to tidy it up a bit. Just waiting for seat belt to turn up to finish it off.
  18. Wellsy

    Buddy seat

    Got fed up with trying to get a buddy seat on ebay (too expensive), bluebird out of stock etc etc. So, made my own, what do you think.
  19. Wellsy

    Another wheel bolt question...

    There is a guy at Midland Wheels who knows most things Camper. He was very helpful when i had issues with my wheels, give him a try. When you phone, as soon as you mention VW Camper, the receptionist will say, hold on, i will put you through to a man that knows. (and he does). Hope this helps. Col.
  20. Wellsy

    Buddy seat

    Hi, doe's anyone know the legalities of fitting a London black cab rear folding seat to a camper to use as a Buddy seat. I have managed to find one, and looking at it it would be perfect, looks more comfortable than the originals aswell. It is a fraction of the cost of "Buddys" that i have seen...