Stabbing - Not good, apologies

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Well-known member
Jun 2, 2009
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North Devon

Not sure why I m writing this but guess its coz you are my mates and it feels better to share.

Someone got stabbed last night at the end of my driveway.

I woke up at 2am to an argument, went to the loo shortly after two very drunk lads were banging on my back door asking for towels coz there mate had been knifed and wa son the floor. My wife is 35 weeks pregnant so I told them to F*** Off from the upstairs window as I didn't want any trouble (and didn't really believe them) to which I recieved rocks thrown at my window in anger. Police and Ambulence turned up and put the guy on the floor in the Ambulence so I went out to close the gates and saw the blood on the floor. Went back to bed but didn't sleep. Got up at 7am to road block and farensics tent blocking my drive. Just spoken to police turns out the fella on the floor died. They are only young lads.

How many lifes has that ruined in one night, what a waste of a life. Clearly alchohol, knives and idiots do not mix.

A live in sleepy North Devon for fucks sake.
:shock: :cry:

shit mate thats bad..... Poor lad,

Not surprised you couldn't get back to sleep after that all that.

We are planning a move to northdevon in the next few years were did this happen?
Happened in a quiet market town of South Molton. It really isn't that bad. There is just a handful of bad people around that seem to be causing all the trouble. Don't let it put you off mate. I used to live in Nottingham, now aptly named Shotingham coz of all the gun crime, its everywhere now. I just don't get it.
Thats real bad,but I can understand why you did not open up for them you have your own family to look after and they are the most important.You really don`t know what you`d be letting yourself in for.We had a stabbing here in Sheffield yesterday at 4pm on probably the busiest pedestrian street in town.What the f**k is going on with these young kids ?.
Where will it all end....
We have a year old son as many others on here have young children,its up to us to bring the next generation up with good family values,manners, respect others and to be decent honest and kind people.I know there are decent young people out there we must make sure they don`t become the minority.
With you 100% mate, we all need to take a step back and have a seriously good look at ourselves. I never thought I would be saying it but binge drinking, gang culture, greed and selfishness is kiling our society.
Not nice outside your own house. That would have me not sleeping also. To be honest I would have done the same as you. It could have been a cover to get into your house and rob you. However I doubt if you had answered the door the outcome would have been different. So dont blame yourself and say what if etc. There are terrible wrong things happening in the world, most of the time we don't hear about them or only see picutres on the news. It just brings it home ( pardon the pun)when it's outside your own door. And as you say waste of a life.
ohh man thats shit, what an aweful thing to have happen right outside your house! There is a real problem with society these days, what the hell would make someone want to do this, its just sick and i dont think any normal person would ever understand why people do this. Someone tryed to stab me once its not nice, theres just too many scumbags in england.
Shit not nice.....

but has society changed in relation to gang culture with the youth etc?????

I dont think so atleast not from memories of growing up, a lot of it was suppressed or atleast not broadcast on the media, christ everyone had a knife playing chicken who can remember long range chicken launching a blade across the footy pitch at your mates.....

I think its more of a perspective issue, we've never been so safe granted theirs pockets of violence but in crowded cities thats the animal nature coming out, I think it was in the 50s when a shipment of chimps broke loose from their cages and set up ghettos within the ship out of the control the mariners and they went on murderous rampages etc....

crap I'm being summoned by her that must be obeyed

Anyway I ramble watch yourself fella his mates may think your actions contributed...
As a paramedic in Brixton we get stabbings every day especially amongst teenagers. had a 13 yr old who got gutted 2 days ago because of the colour of his t-shirt.
In your case even if you had given them the towels i strongly doubt the outcome would have been any difference. If its that bad only a surgeon can save them not much the ambulance crew could have done either.
Thats awful, I really feel for you :(

I do agree with Aarron though, since the Teds/Rockers of the 50's knives and fighting have been prevalent in yoof culture.
For what it's worth you did the right thing. Your family, present, and soon to be, are your priority.
You hear all the time about innocent bystanders and have go heroes getting injured or even killed in these sort
of scenarios. It was your good judgement call under pressure that allowed you to put this post on EB, it could have been so different if you had opened your door. Either way you will never know, but at least you are still about for your family.
Alcohol/drugs and youngsters don't mix, leave them to it. ! Col.
I grew up in Hackney, East London and stuff like this was so normal it didn't even warrant a mention in the local rag.
When I was 17 I got stabbed 5 times trying to help a mate who was being attacked, if it happened again I would probably do the same.

I doubt very much any thought of getting at you will be on these lads mind, they have a dead mate and a lot of questions from the cops to think about.

I came to sleepy Bury St Edmunds to get my kids away from all that and there's already been 3 murders in the last 2 year.

I guess people have forgot how to solve their differences with good old fisticuffs and a pint :|
Its because of stories like this that makes me, more and more, want to move away from this country.
I'm not saying that it will be different anywhere else in the world but surely things cant be any worse.
Having a young family i dont want to bring my children up on a culture where having the biggest knife rules the streets, Its happening all over the country and the police seem powerless to do anything about it.

If it was me in the same circumstances i would have done the same thing, dont beat yourself up over it
Its exactly this sort of cr@p that helped me decide to move up here to Shetland. Next to no violence except down the town in the kebab queue, which really could happen anywhere. Being exmil I've seen enough of all that and it's great being able to bring up my two young kids without dreading a knock on the door from the police or a priest.
I'm quite lucky where i live, its got lots of pubs in the town centre but nothing like that has happned (yet).
I've been kicked in twice while out drinking but the knife culture is getting stupid, what are you proving when you slit someone from ear to ear anyway, how 'hard' you are? More like how stupid you are when the rozzers catch you and throw you in the pen for however long. Wibbler is right about london though my dad grew up and lived in bethal green most of his life and the stuff he has told be about the gang culture and goings on there is unbeliveable :shock:

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