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  1. Gambacorners

    pictures of dash switches please

    Should find what you need here, or hereabouts - worth a browse." onclick=";return false;
  2. Gambacorners

    A question about colouring on EB nose badges

    I'm sure that's right ... odd that they even bothered, just to make the vdub logo look 'right' in the photos. Hardly mattered surely.
  3. Gambacorners

    A question about colouring on EB nose badges

    Thanks sparky, I'm thinking specifically about the little strip between the bottom of the V and the middle of the W. Promo/brochure shots show that bit coloured in to match body colour but I'm thinking that was just for advertising purposes.
  4. Gambacorners

    A question about colouring on EB nose badges

    In all the period brochures and colour adverts featuring EBs, where the nose badge is white the little strip in dead centre of the badge - at the bottom of the V - is invariably coloured to match the body. I'm not sure I've ever seen this in the 'real world' ... but maybe I've not seen a totally...
  5. Gambacorners

    So, you drill 40 holes in your bus ... deluxe trim Q

    Ok, 'man up' it is then :mrgreen: Thanks for replies, pictures are strangely reassuring.
  6. Gambacorners

    So, you drill 40 holes in your bus ... deluxe trim Q

    Assuming yours didn't come with deluxe trim from the factory of course. I want to be fitting beltline trim soon but get cold sweats every time I contemplate the drilling involved ... when I first decided to go for it I had no idea it was held on with so many clips ... 40 new places for water to...
  7. Gambacorners

    Khyam Motordome Tourer

    We have a Classic, can't speak highly enough of it, very well made and so easy to put up it's in a different league.
  8. Gambacorners

    Type 2 Owners Club

    We joined T2OC when we got our bus about 6 years ago. I didn't give it a huge amount of thought, at the time I was swayed by prospective insurers all telling me that they could knock something off my premium if I was a member of an owner's club, and indeed they did but it's not a huge amount...
  9. Gambacorners

    Eyebrows - good or the devils work?

    Thought my bus looked good with them on but had exactly that Aha moment when I took them off to do some tinkering with my lights and rediscovered just how damned attractive it was without them 8)
  10. Gambacorners

    A tale of two door seals.

    It was the best of seals, it was the worst of seals ...? ;)
  11. Gambacorners

    Any comments about C&C door/interior panel sets?

    I'm just trying to get a feel for who makes a decent set of interior panels. I'm more interested in the quality of fit than whether they look spectacular. Custom and Commercial do a set of 9 panels for about £370 ... anybody care to recommend or flag up issues with these panels? Thanks
  12. Gambacorners

    window rubbers - any tips

    Vaseline rots rubber ... that's why it's verboten as an, er, 'intimate' lubricant ... so I've heard :shock: :oops:
  13. Gambacorners

    To take the steering wheel off ... first you need to ...?

    Cheers guys, the message I'm hearing is that it's desirable but not essential to remove those other parts, which is the bit I was unclear about. Thanks again :)
  14. Gambacorners

    To take the steering wheel off ... first you need to ...?

    Most posts seem to suggest that with maybe a puller and a bit of luck/ingenuity you can pull the steering wheel off after removing the horn push and the central nut. Haynes says the cancelling ring and indicator stalk have to be removed as well. Can anyone confirm either way? Mine's a 72. Thanks
  15. Gambacorners

    Early Bay Roll Call

    1 - Shane r - 1971 US Westfalia 2 - easy - 1970 UK Custom (used to be a microbus) 3 - Clem - 1968 US Westfalia 4 - DancingBay - 1968 Microbus in the Australian Army 5 - Johnny - 1971 Devon Moonraker 6 - fig - 1969 SO67R Westfalia 7 - maddog - 1970 UK Dormobile 8 - Justin & Mutley - 1972...
  16. Gambacorners

    Spongy Brakes

    Well said! 8)
  17. Gambacorners

    Spongy Brakes

    You did indeed Sir! All I meant was that given that the problem came, then went away again, albeit not for ages, does not suggest air in the system. Anyway, let's not argue, 8) hope you get it sorted
  18. Gambacorners

    Spongy Brakes

    Don't want to pee on your party but if you've got a fault that comes and goes it won't be because you've got a knackered solid brake line - you'd lose the brakes on that circuit completely if that was the case.
  19. Gambacorners

    Spongy Brakes

    I had exactly this problem and it was cured with a new master cylinder. Air in the system will give you spongy brakes all the time.