window rubbers - any tips

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curly head

Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Reaction score
Upminster, Essex
just about to fit new window rubbers and a few people have said its easier to fit them using fairy liquid or waxoil.

i always thought fairy liquid was damaging to paintwork :?: was also wondering if waxoil is damaging to rubbers?

any tips for lube to use :shock:

curly head said:
just about to fit new window rubbers and a few people have said its easier to fit them using fairy liquid or waxoil.

i always thought fairy liquid was damaging to paintwork :?: was also wondering if waxoil is damaging to rubbers?

any tips for lube to use :shock:


You are right about fairy liquid, dunno about waxoil, i beleive talculm powder is good for this? Someone will be along in a bit to confirm......


never use washing up liquid it has a high concentration of salt

waxoil can deteriorate the rubbers, glass fitters will use hot water speak to Strongy
im a little worried as i used washing up liquid! :shock:

Also used some old washing linem then blue coloured stuff covered with a plastic film. String kept breaking
Do not use washing up liquid - it is full of salt and phosphate so will rot your metalwork.

VW used talc in the factory and that's what I've always used. It works MUCH better than any liquid because unlike liquids it can't be squeezed out of the joints. Use thin pvc coated washing line, start at the top or bottom (it doesn't matter ) but don't press too hard on the glass to force it into the aperture - that will simply trap the cord. You are aiming to use the cord to JUST pull the rubber lip over the body tin so you pull over about a foot or so, then push the glass in towards the body a bit, then pull over another length, then push a bit etc etc. It's always worth comparing the new glass with what you have taken out - I've seen replacement windscreens a full 8mm larger than the original :shock: If you are supplied with an oversize glass, take it back and find another supplier.

Do not under any circumstances use silicone compound, either to seal or lubricate the glass - you will have fish eye nightmares if ever you need to repaint the van.
I did hear of a tip of washing the rubber and drying it, then using wd40. The washing line is what I have used as I tried with string which kept breaking.
never washing up liquid,as stated!!

I was thinking of petroleum jelly/vaseline. Its essentially based on the same as what the rubber is made of - petroleum. Neutral to the paint and rubber and will help prevent any small moisture ingess... what do you lads reckon?
Doris said:
never washing up liquid,as stated!!

I was thinking of petroleum jelly/vaseline. Its essentially based on the same as what the rubber is made of - petroleum. Neutral to the paint and rubber and will help prevent any small moisture ingess... what do you lads reckon?

I've heard the same also ;)
Vaseline rots rubber ... that's why it's verboten as an, er, 'intimate' lubricant ... so I've heard :shock: :oops:
I dont know whether this is correct ,I warmed the rubbers in the cloths drier then used a thin smear of Vaseline and a thin plastic coated washing line.Also another pair of hands.
This worked for me.
Clothes line or we use electrical wire - the thin gauge stuff - thin and strong enough to pull the lip over.

Very light taps with hand outspread and wear hand protection in case it breaks - we've only ever had one break - a bay window front recently due to oversize, but we never broke the Ghia window including its trim which is thought to be the most difficult to fit.

The lube - we used a silicone spray on our newly painted bus BUT the warnings are right about fish eyes - if you paint anywhere near the bus, even on another car round the corner, that silicone stuff gets everywhere and will mess you up real quick. In fact the pro glass guys told us they'll get fired if they even have a can of that silicone spray in their vans.

KY jelly? Think we'll try that next time..

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