1968 Savannah Beige Microbus from California

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Man I couldn't be more jealous - do you have any pictures of the bus + Milau? Currently trying to persuade my mrs to take a drive down there and she absolutely loves that bridge but is sceptical about the drive down in an old camper!

Looks a great bus, love to see it just being used without too much messing about. I'm waiting to get a few deliveries on mine then it's in for an MOT/UK registration and fingers crossed a trip away in the next month or two!
Thanks George, yeah you should definitely do it! I'd totally recommend it and it has been ace - just maybe don't show the Mrs the part of this thread where we broke down not long after leaving :)

I don't, sorry, I'm sure I have some of my old air-cooled T25 at home but we passed through most of that area at night and figured we'd make sure we had daylight on the way back for piccies but now we're going the Bilbao ferry route. Still, making the trip again in 9 weeks so will update you then with some :D

Good luck with the finishing touches, should be able to squeeze in some good trips before winter!
Doing our best Breaking Bad impression at Bolnuevo Rocks. Still bloody hot here, was reading 39 degrees at 8.30 pm the other night! :eek: Bus hasn't used any extra oil or become hot at all though.

Well we made it back – though not without some initial drama ...

Packed up, ready to go, we drive half a mile down the road and fill up with petrol. I turn round my missus, "you ready?" "yeah let's go," a big thumbs-up and then the bus won't start. :?

I try the key a few times and it doesn't feel right, then the key barrel falls off :shock: I put it back in but it didn't work any more :( panicking a bit now, I sat trying to get it to turn for about half an hour but no dice. There's a whole back story to the barrel that I won't go into here ...

Anyway, I figured there's no way I'm getting another key barrel in Spain on a sunday night in time to make our £500 non-refundable boat trip to the UK from Bilbao, so I hotwire it (with worryingly little difficulty despite it being my first time doing such a thing!). Had a head-scratching moment but it turned out the immobiliser had activated and so I clicked on and off the alarm and I was good to go. Worked perfectly from now on and started every time. DEFINITELY investing in a good wheel lock now after seeing how easy it is. Alas, in the meantime I'd rang AA and they now told me if I drove away I wouldn't be covered for breakdown for the rest of the trip :evil:

So I had to wait for three hours until they took it away. Then another two hours for a taxi to turn up with cockroaches crawling everywhere till I get home. Next morning, managed to track down the bus and the Spanish recovery company had sacked off delivering it, and left it in their secure carpark. With ferry deadline fast approaching, AA told me I still couldn't drive it until diagnosed, and eventually a nice Brit mechanic saw it, saw what I'd done, and wired a standard throw switch up to make it safer.

We jumped in, and drove 14 hours straight, right through the night from the South of Spain to the North and only stopping for petrol. I had a 20 minute kip in Madrid because I started feeling dodgy and thought it might be unsafe to drive, then a ten minute sleep only 40 minutes away because I felt awful. Made the ferry with 20 minutes to spare. But not before god played another trick and hit us with the worst storm I've ever been in, the deluge was so bad the rain broke my wipers, it was really heavy. Otherwise bus ran perfect, 60 the whole way and flew up the hills around Basque Country (can't wait to explore that area more, it's gorgeous).

Get on the ferry and unfortunately it turns out me and the wife are seasick :mrgreen: I slept 16 of the 24 hour trip and staggered for most of the rest. Woke up feeling very rested!

Back in Blighty, we put our foot down to get home in record time, home for tea-time and no more issues with the bus. Though I'm not driving it anywhere far until it's had a good service and check-over after all those miles!

Not again!

Driving through beautiful central Spain

Basque Country sunrise.

Made it!
Truly fabulous! What a journey, and some experiences you'd be really annoyed at in a modern car. Well, you gave your van a proper shakedown there mate, and I thought i was being brave (foolhardy?) with my first outing of 3 days and 500 miles... You're making me feel guilty - must finish off my posts on my Spanish road trip
Bluesnailman said:
Truly fabulous! What a journey, and some experiences you'd be really annoyed at in a modern car. Well, you gave your van a proper shakedown there mate, and I thought i was being brave (foolhardy?) with my first outing of 3 days and 500 miles... You're making me feel guilty - must finish off my posts on my Spanish road trip

Cheers mate, checking out your thread now :D

Yeah, aside from the pretty major fault that Graham L fixed, everything else was just minor teething issues that would have been sorted with a bit more running around or some more spares, I'm lucky that nothing big like an engine or clutch failed. Off to do the same trip again in 9 weeks when we move there so will be busy giving it a good service and check over then fixing any issues. This trip is the big one (and the last for a while!) as I'll have my dogs with me and everything so hopefully we've got all the problems sorted now. All in all though, was a cracking trip.

About that route up to Bilbao (that's the one you were curious about yeah?), we took the main Alicante road from Murcia and then from Murcia headed to Albacete, then passed through the outskirts of Madrid and hit Burgos and then Bilbao. Does that make sense? The whole drive was amazing, the only grim bit was just outside Madrid we were running low on petrol and everything was shut and there were seemingly endless hills, but that was more because time was running out. Seemed a hell of a lot more nice aire-type places to stop than the old mediterranean coastal route we took south, no tolls to speak of either.
Fitted the roof rack that we bought before hols but didn't turn up in time. Oh well be handy for the next trip!

Also, I had the OG 68 mirror stalk but no mirror. I bought a replacement mirror (the wrong kind) and stuck it onto the stalk. Looks much better now.
Bluesnailman said:
Glad you got back ok. Your drive looks like you passed through some good countryside Hope you managed to find some good side roads and camping places

Yeah we did thanks, much better places to stop up that route than our usual coastal route, I think.
Went to the tatton show today and then on to leeds to grab the DPD air-con unit from George. Pulled up in garage to fill fuel, started it, and *click.*

Luckily the garage was on a hill so I reverse bump-started it and left the engine running all the way to leeds, back to wales. Anyway, after checking round in the dark, the gearbox earth strap was not secured at all and just pushed into place, had fallen off. Screwed it back on and all seems well, so far ...
Really good to meet you yesterday - shame you couldn't stick round but definitely the right move not turning the van off!

Hopefully we'll see each other at a show soon and have a proper look round each others vans! Sounds like yours is pretty much the same as mine, hopefully I'll be on the road soon and dodging around europe too!
Cheers guys, would have been great to get out and have a brew George - especially since I was then stuck in the driver's seat for another 4.5 hours. Ah well, so it goes, definitely want a good nosey at your van mate, looked fantastic in the flesh, especially the parts you've polished. You've inspired me to get out the polisher this weekend :D
Back on the road to Spain again but two members of our convoy have broken down (not us this time!). My parents, the plonkers, both filled deisel cars with petrol. So we're kinda stranded in a fantastic aire in Nothern France waiting for news, the experience dampened slightly by some awful rainy weather.

There's me, my wife Hannah, our staffie cross rottweiler, our sausage dog, a cat and a kid, all stuffed inside a tin top along with loads of our possessions and the usual camping gear. Time to break out the travel scrabble, methinks.
Well, we arrived in the villa a few days ago. The journey went pretty much flawlessly for the bus, except for a really annoying but minor starting issue that suddenly decided to resurface after months. I think it may be an errant earth somewhere. Still, flew up the long hills over the pyrenees and cruised at 60 while fully loaded with roof rack, camping gear, and aforementioned family, without needing any extra oil or overheating at all, so happy with it.

Goodbye to our Wales home.

Packed up and ready for the trip.

Hanging out in the aire in northern France for 24 hours.

It's great to see the weather change the further south you drive, this was easily shorts weather.

One for George.

View from the new place Southern Spain, it's nice weather here now and much more pleasant than mid-summer.

Off to a local VW show on Saturday, will post some pics if it's any good.
Popped down to a local show which was cool. Then we decided to go down to a meet the next day - or at least what I thought was an informal meet but got the wrong end of the stick and there was a bit more to it. Still, nobody minded my rather road-weary bus gatecrashing and there were lots of nice local buses, including early and late bays, and splits.

Thanks mate, it was a lot less stressful this time. I'm running it as a daily here in Spain until we buy another runaround early next year. I say daily, we both work from home so we don't do too many miles, but it's good to know its relatively reliable. Next few jobs are just fit some seals and stuff, no more big roadtrips planned until a few days in the south of France for my birthday next April.
Bit too skint after the move to justify buying any fun stuff, so I've just focused on the basics. Replaced a bit of dodgy gear linkage, given the gears a little tinker. I'm also starting work on the air-con unit I got off George in earnest so as to try and get it ready for summer.

Gave the bus a much-needed polish and collinite wax too. Not a brilliant job given I'm doing it in the heat and sunshine with sunglasses on but still looks massively better - and my hands are killing me! :shock:

Also going to attempt my first ever install of window seals soon too, but for now, some pics after the big clean.

and an oldie but a goodie. One of me with my cousin next to my first air-cooled motor, the one that started it all. No, I didn't grow up in Stalinist Russia, that's rural Wales in about 1989 or so.


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