Right time for an update. I have cleaned all the tinware for the build and this has gone off for paint.
I then moved onto setting my rocker geometry.
The first job was to set the rockers so that the adjusters are just off the centre line of the valve heads. This is to promote valve rotation during running. This involves swapping shims around on the bolt on rocker shaft until all rockers are aligned to the desired position.
This first picture is how a couple of the adjuster were positioned on first fitment
The next images are the alignment after playing with the shims.
Made an adjustable push rod from an old rod to check the rocker vertical alignment.
I first setup the rockers without pedestal shims and set up a DTI onto the valve retainer at about the angle of the valve.
Then rotated the crankshaft until I achieved full lift.
Then rotated the crank back until approx. half lift was achieved. The rocker adjuster was central to the valve tip, which is where it should be, therefore I do not need to shim the supports....result.
So now I need to cut the push rods to length, install them and then the valve train is complete.
Next........on to the end float.