1972 Crossover Dormobile - Full Restoration Work In Progress

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At that rate your going Nafe you'll be back on the road before me :wink:
Its nice to see some progress going on,
But that volksworld show next year will be here before you no it, I try not to set dates anymore :oops:
so, the front end is completed. The clip is on, the outer and inner arches are fitted and the cab floor is in.

they are currently prepping the middle panel opposite slider and the rear floor as you can only get the LHD version. off up there friday for some more visuals :)

Haveacamper said:
so, the front end is completed. The clip is on, the outer and inner arches are fitted and the cab floor is in.

they are currently prepping the middle panel opposite slider and the rear floor as you can only get the LHD version. off up there friday for some more visuals :)


Ace! not long now, bet your getting excited 8)
ok, popped up the body shop this afternoon. all i can say is, this guy could make a living out of what he has done for the last 30 years :)

i bought an inspection hatch but the lid was plastic. Unfortunately it needed to be shrunk in size, but being plastic they cant cut and weld. so the guy at bodyhsop said that he could cut the hole carefully and use what he cuts as the lid. he has made a frame to fit underneath. this worked out well as the T25 hatch has a differnt corragated profile that is in the back of an earlybay:


he's put a rubber beading around the surround and will do the same for the lid itself once he's tidied the edges up:


so the middle panel is completely on and it looks amazing!!! cant believe how things line up. the doors line up the roof lines up and the wheel arches line up - inner and outer.



this is the only part that is welded form the outside:

all the rest is spotted from the inside so unseen:


the LHD rear floor came with an adaptor plate that you weld the the O/S floor section. they have spotted this to the bulkhead, the middle panel and also the sills:





front end is all finished with exception to sanding the spot welds down and sealing:


blanking plates as you can only get LATE BAY floors

they've also started on the rear corner. this is the picture of the corner they havent started:

and the other side :)

original battery tray hahah ye right

and the removable valance is being fitted tomorro too

i'm off up there again on friday to check progress. so what do you all think???

o ye, and dont tell loxy that this is his middle panel that i've fitted :)
that middle panel looks abit better than the last time i saw it. think Scott has given me the front clip off that van :lol: lookin good dude!
well i popped up the bodyshhop this afternoon. there wasnt much visible progress so i havent taken any pictures. the work they have carried out since wednesday was prep work for the two two corners they are grafting in, tacking in the surround.

the other main thing that they have done is started to sort out the rear valance and fitted the oil tank. because the porsche engine that is going in is a dry sump engine there is an oil tank to fit where the battery usually sits. they have mounted that in place so i can remove it downwards with the tall lights still in place. also they have managed to keep the mud flap part of the wheel tub to reduce the shit that gets flicked up. what they are going to do is make a removable blanking plate to fit underneath to ensure nothing gets flicked up and also to ensure the cool air doesnt just get sucked in and goes out the bottom.

i've got next week off so i'm off up there tues morning
littel progress on the camper

started to patch up engine bay area:



fuel tank area:

now they have the engine lid and the removable valance they can align the rear corners and make some more progress. apparently they are going to have the two rear corners on by the end of the week.

so i now have a sliding door. it cost the earth but its pretty damn straight. few bits of surface rust but the bodyshop is happy with it.

i just need to get the catches and hinges up to the bodyshop on monday so they can really hit it hard again.

Well done with the sliding door - this sounds like it will speed up the process :lol:
gninnam said:
Well done with the sliding door - this sounds like it will speed up the process :lol:

i'm now definitely back in the race to getting it back before end of March. i'm hoping the bodyshop will finish in 2 wks so i can crack on with my wiring before the intended date.

over the last week they havent worked on the camper that much as the guy doesnt really want to be stop starting while he was waiting for a slider. now i have a slider he can fit the two rear corners using the engine lid, tailgate and removable valance - then he can continue down the sliding door side.


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