Hi everybody!
Some time is gone since my last update... One week ago we came back from our summer holiday. We were traveling from Switzerland to Hamburg, Norway, Danmark, Hamburg and back to Switzerland. We had a grade time, but a little bit too wet for me, specially in Norway!

So here are some impressions:
Starting in Switzerland
CSP-Shop in Bargtheheide
A lot of camping...
Fishing with my Cousine and my Brother
Some windsurfaction. We had the whole beach for us! Perfect!
Good DAY! Cheers!
Flying with my kite
And for the 1 of august (Swiss-National Day) original Swiss Cheese Fondue!
And after a lot of fun, rainy days and a lot of new impressions we had to say good bye!
With the bus everything went fine. We had only a few small problems. Nevertheless I will have a lot of work in the winter, specially with the suspension. If the bus is heavy loaded, the rear is sitting nearly on the original spring plates. So I will change them to adjustable ones. Also at the front the tyres touching the wheel arches a bit too much in my opinion.
Best regards