advice on import missing bits?

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Well-known member
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
Peterborough mainly never Cornwall
I think I know the answer but just wanted to see what people thought....

Ok.... I buyed a 1968 Westy from a chap on samba [collect from docks next week 8) ]

turns out he does the odd sale as a 'hobby' so a parttime dealer [Monkeyspinner bought a bus from him a while back], and the pics were ok and I bought on those.

So I asked for more info and pics whilst sending deposit/money across.....once cash there the comms stopped to almost nothing.
Which I kinda get because I can be full on at times but he could have sent an email saying no hope cos he's busy. To the day it shipped from his house I was led to believe pics and info coming!!

moving on, I bought some other stuff from a now good friend and to cut a long story short he went and took some pics for me before it left the US.

so this is where it starts......

the sliding door handles. inner and outer where missing...just the hole, the lock was there in fact the door was locked. They were on the pics I 'bought' from, and I was sent a pic of the bus as it went on the lowloader to the shipper but the bus is too far away to see if it is on there or not.
the buddy seat was loose? and so was just staged it appears for the pics? and was on it's side at the shippers
the passenger 'wing' mirror has been changed for a non vw one, I'm guessing it's a one year mirror :shock: EDIT - strangley one of his emails contained pics of a bus he had picked up a red 69 with a green tailgate...the passenger mirror is the one I now have on my westy :evil: [and yes I checked it did have the s door handles....!]

The interior in general is in bits...again staged I presume for pics? so no telling from my friends pics if it is all there or not?

So I assume it's buyer beware and there is zero I can do ? but

I am concerend about what else may have been removed/changed..........

It's tainted the whole thing tbh :cry: I may even reg and mot and sell it - it really has left a bad taste.......... :(
I know Rich...I was only looking at the pics tonight as collection is early next week........

I thought hang on a minute ...thats not a VW checked in my 68bay pic folder and low and behold - passenger mirror changed and as I posted I know where it came from and where mine went - I've got pics!!

I'm going to wait until it's collected...check against the ad and then see what the seller can say - if not Everett on TheSamba will be told...don't see why people like that should be allowed to sell.

Once I have Bus and have given seller a chance to come clean....then if no go I'll name and shame...He hasn't got any busses for sale at the minute..........

It really has left me feeling a bit odd...not burgled but interfered with!!
I have heard nasty **** about docks people so it could be that its been abused by them!

as above lets hope its better in the Flesh (metal)
well tbh wait and see what lands now could try sending another email or two (but guessing you've tried this), what you've mentioned are quite minor items as long as the shell and mechanicals and interior are present and of good quality, it may well have been staged leave bad feedback on the samba and treat it for what it is a learning experience, even the big boys in the import business get stiffed I know volks heaven were lumbered with a right pair of lemons when I got my 71......
AxlFoley said:
I have heard nasty **** about docks people so it could be that its been abused by them!

as above lets hope its better in the Flesh (metal)

I have pics to say otherwise - in fact as this kinda thing boils my wotsit - I have checked the pics I do have and the mirror was def swapped - the bus's left on the same lowloader!! I have a pre lowloader pic of both too [although seperate] and the mirrors have swapped homes!!

the handle is trickier as the LL pic doesn't zoom very well, but again referencing the shadows and shapes on the red bus behind mine it looks like the outer handle wasn't on when it left my seller..........seems strange as an inner and outer can't be worth that much?

I'm concerned the engine may have been swapped although they do look like the same unit from my 'buyer' pics and my friends reference pictures....

I know it's not much but that is partly what freaks me out...why do it. I have sourced a 68 handle but that's in the states with my friend awaiting postage!!

Araon said:
well tbh wait and see what lands now could try sending another email or two (but guessing you've tried this), what you've mentioned are quite minor items as long as the shell and mechanicals and interior are present and of good quality, it may well have been staged leave bad feedback on the samba and treat it for what it is a learning experience, even the big boys in the import business get stiffed I know volks heaven were lumbered with a right pair of lemons when I got my 71......

yeah I know all this ...but it still gripes!! What really gets me is he 'seemed' so OK, no hint of dodgy ....and in the main he has's just these little things.

Are the external mirrors 68 only or upto 71?

I'm sure it'll be fine --- other than having 'another' L87 perlweis westy in the UK :roll:

oh and pics soon :D
dosent matter if its big or small stuff they took it would still piss you off,you put that trust in people and they **** on them Daren i would tossers
there bay wide, the elephant ears didnt change other than aftermarket fitments,I know it sours the taste a little but sadly your stuffed being across the pond I suppose you could get the american earlybay contingent to drive round there and kick his teeth in.....
robins said:
dosent matter if its big or small stuff they took it would still piss you off,you put that trust in people and they **** on them Daren i would tossers

I will if required, I'm not after a witch hunt as Aaron says it's small was the westy, the year and the lack of rust that got me there.........

funny thing though I did buy a Scat lhd handle from some parts place - mate Simon took a pic - it's the same as the one I've got :lol: oh well that was $40 wasted!! :oops:
Araon said:
there bay wide, the elephant ears didnt change other than aftermarket fitments,I know it sours the taste a little but sadly your stuffed being across the pond I suppose you could get the american earlybay contingent to drive round there and kick his teeth in.....

my 'new' US friend said if I really needed some retribution he could rustle it up, him being an ex marine n stuff :shock:
I said it's ok.........probably
[ghey]Actually I feel better for sharing[ghey]

and I know it'll be the dogs low and 'tinkered with', Tim at Roadhouse will help and he certainly knows how to put together a 'hard' bus....Saw Matt Keenes ex bus there name drop 2 in one post! :lol:
Araon said:
there bay wide, the elephant ears didnt change other than aftermarket fitments,I know it sours the taste a little but sadly your stuffed being across the pond I suppose you could get the american earlybay contingent to drive round there and kick his teeth in.....

I'm not the type that would kick somebody's teeth in but I do look kinda mean :x
And I know people that knows people :mrgreen:
So let me at him mate :evil:
ib-bus said:
Araon said:
there bay wide, the elephant ears didnt change other than aftermarket fitments,I know it sours the taste a little but sadly your stuffed being across the pond I suppose you could get the american earlybay contingent to drive round there and kick his teeth in.....

I'm not the type that would kick somebody's teeth in but I do look kinda mean :x
And I know people that knows people :mrgreen:
So let me at him mate :evil:

it's cool......I'll let the man have a chance to explain...if he d!cks me around then 'open season' I's the 'why' I just don't get? swapping the engine out or [whispers in case I'm talking it up] stripping the 68 one year bits...I sort of get. Although I have been watching his for sale very very carefully in case any 68 bits came up!!
If he has messed about thats p*ss poor on his behalf :x

See what explanation he comes up with, you have proof of 'switching' on the pics. if a satisfactory answer is not forthcoming, then have him slapped! ;)

I too was warned about the dockers tampering and pilffering with buses, but everything was ok thankfully. My seller was a monumental pain in the arse but at least he was honest about anything I wanted to know about the bus other than I could see in some very detailed pics, and didn't 'borrow' anything before its departure. The only thing missing was the rear reflectors which he could'nt find before it left.

It aint good though for a seller to abuse like this. He may need to be dragged over the coals on Samba over this.
I know its a pisser but like Araon says wait and see what lands if its only the mirror and the handle missing then its not the end of the world and you can put it down to experience.

68s are a hit or miss when it comes to imports, I really fancy an early one as a project but so many seem to have those rare 68 only bits missing or broke, you might think a pair of missing wipers is nothing till you see how much they go for :shock:

I hope it all works out to the good and you get to enjoy your bus ( gonna have to start numbering these white westys soon so you dont loose yours in the crowd :mrgreen: )
If it doesnt ive seen a picture of ib-bus, he will get any missing bits back :msn4:

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