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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2007
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My Girlfriend got a job, doing something she really wants to do as well, its be tough living on one wage all this time, but now she has a job I will soon have money to spend on the bus :D

It is her birthday soon, but do you think she would like my bus slammed for it :D hehehe
Well thats good as I thought I might of been being a bit selfish, but then I was also thinking as there is a whole by her feet, the lower it is the less of a fall it would be if she happened to slip out :D so really its a safety precaution :D
Shaggy said:
Well thats good as I thought I might of been being a bit selfish, but then I was also thinking as there is a whole by her feet, the lower it is the less of a fall it would be if she happened to slip out :D so really its a safety precaution :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What a thoughtful chap - she's lucky to have you...

well done to your lady! im i the same boat at the mo and it sucks after a while.
lower the bus for sure, cracking birthday pressie for you...i mean her! :lol:
Yeah I mean shes a girl and they are VERY understanding when its comes to guys toys.......... :shock:
Try & convince her that its her decision to lower the van, she's then spending HER money on something she wants! :lol:
start the conversation...." you know how you always wanted to lower the van..."
works for me :wink:
hahahhaha....I was thinking of recording myself saying "get the van lowered" on a tape and then playing it to her while she is asleep, then soon after she will MAKE ME get it done :D
and when she is convinced you need the van lowered you say "well whats in it for me?"
this also works! :shock:
I think us chaps have really mastered how the female mind works. :lol:

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