August 70 westy

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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2006
Reaction score
Hereford, UK
OK, it seems i have lost my original resto thread? :?

Anyway, look what Santa got for the bus! A new 12v 17inch widescreen flip down monitor and remote 12v digibox (freeview), been busy installing it all today. Proper pimped up now :lol: :p
12v DVD player is on it's way too....


Nice work.

You can sit in the van with a cold beer whilest the other half watches soaps in the house :lol:
thats awesome the bus aint to bad either dude

how much do you think it cost santa cos i got to get me one of those!
Cheers boys, looks like it will cost about £230 all in, TV, Digibox and with the DVD player.....ebay!
Hi Daz

Looking cool, gadget boy....... :D

You'll need a bigger engine to pull your van along soon, the daughters will be in the trailer. Much quieter that way too.

Have fun
That was lovely.....why did you sell it?????? Early Devon......mmmmm! 8)

My electrics are almost ready for the Daz touch.... when you have the time that is, you seem to have your work cut out with your multi media bus. Is the TV for you or the Kids? :roll: :lol:
Poor old devon was as i found out a after i sold her a basket case! But the new owners have pulled her back from the brink and are still restoring her :D Apparantly needed one of the main chassis replacing completely. From the Front to back bumper :shock:

Electrics, OK Jon leave it with me for a couple of weeks will call you to check you have all the parts needed dude.

TV is for the kids silly! :wink: :lol: