big dilema - to cut or not to cut??

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to cut or not to cut....?

  • its had work done anyway so cut,fit and enjoy - its your bus!

    Votes: 18 72.0%
  • NO,NO never,always keep as much original as possible!

    Votes: 7 28.0%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2008
Reaction score
just above the middle
right guys I need your opinions.....OK, I bought a radio that was sold as Bay window. its one of the old sapphire ones (although the VOLKSWAGEN script has worn away now). The embossed 'leather' pattern matches the pattern on the dash pod,top and glove box perfectly so I'd like to fit it.
however the dash is original,un cut in its OG paint as is the hole for the radio.

The dilema...

The actual radio unit fits in but the plastic patterned surround that finishes it off has a recess that is too big for the OG hole. so if I want to leave my dash un touched, the surround sits proud by about 1/2 inch and looks daft. If I want it to sit right , I have to cut my dash hole bigger - what do I do??.

my thoughts...
If I were fitting a modern flashy head unit it would be NO, NEVER cut the dash, but I'm leaning toward cut and fit because a) its an original VW radio I'm using & it matches the rest of the dash b) its just what I want there. c) you won't see that its been cut when fitted d)the bus has had welding work & resto that has made it unoriginal anyway & interior will be re done so just do what you want and enjoy it.


should you always leave something original (as it is as once its enlarged you can never go back?)

please vote above!!! cheers - Rob
Do it, Its not like your fitting flared arches or spinners is it.
The final result will please you wont it.
Rust free uncut dashes can be found theese days anyway.
Maybe get another one, paint it and cut to suit. If you dont like it put the old one back in.
Not hard to change.

Used to be someone elses bus, your bus now, it may be someone elses another day and a little cut here and add on there all add to the history of it. Better a bus with a story than something locked in the past.
mattd said:
Used to be someone elses bus, your bus now, it may be someone elses another day and a little cut here and add on there all add to the history of it. Better a bus with a story than something locked in the past.

So true...............Your not going to be happy with out that radio fitted :(
:evil: Get cutting :evil:
but Remember measure twice cut once :lol:
If your cutting your Bus up, can i have dibbs on the roof and rear 1/4s please? :mrgreen:
Thanks everyone for your input. I think I'm going to cut the hole a bit bigger to fit the OG radio.
I was thinking today, If the bus would have come with it fitted,I'd have been really happy as it would have its original VW radio in and I'd have been non the wiser,so there we are!!

after all, I'm not chopping right through it to fit a DVD screen or drinks dispenser like they would on pimp my ride :lol:
Hiya Doris,

Here's how I went at it....................


The plastic surround is not original for a Type 2 but it looks like a stock installation. Then too the surround matches the shape of the glove box door and the instrument pod. It looks like it ought to be there.

Got that plastic surround (yes, it is pebble grained too) from a Type 3 IIRC.

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