Brighton Breeze - Pics added

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So whats the plan once we hit Brighton?

Do we tell the stewards we are EarlyBay?
Do we know where are allocated space is?

Just thinking due to the amount of people arriving and not wanting to hold everything up it would be better if we had some additional info

Must admit that I'm getting a little worried that the few of us heading from Hook Road Arena are not going to get in on the line up :cry:
My thoughts too

What we don't want is to mess about trying to find our Earlybay spot and risk not being able to get general spaces
Is there anyone specific we should ask about the EB slot when we get there or will all the marshalls know?

Neil Smart, who runs the event is aware that we want/need 20 spaces. Rikki does a lot of coordination on the day and will also be informed. Ill get there as early as possible to assist and ensure that those 'in' the 20 are those whove requested a spot ..... Ego Steve will also be around and knows the score .....

Dont be worried, it all was fine last year, and we saved MikeF a spot who arrived very late after a breakdown! And, whatever happens we'll all be on the seafront surrounded by VWs on a sunny day 8) I cant guarantee anybody anything, its not my event to do so, but we'll do our best. :)
Cheers for the calming words as always Mike :mrgreen:

See you on Sunday
OOOPS, Yes see you Saturday :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Hi to whom ot may concern....i am unable to make it now (gutted) having braking issues,so my money is noe being drained into this.many thx grazy for your offer but hands will be getting dirty this weekend instead,will be first on the list next year....Rowan.
well things havnt gone to plan...........gonna be fitting my new engine and box over the weekend now :evil:

so have fun guys, and i will make an EB line up next year i promise :wink:
Don't forget to save space for the few of us doing the run! (subject covered I know). If this is a really stupid question then could someone please enlighten me, but why are there so many people turning up at Brighton (great!) but so few staying at Epsom (Hurrah for them!) and travelling so early in the morning? I appreciate wanting to arrive early in am but think I must be missing something somewhere. Not done the run before so am I in for a nasty surprise!??? Any advance info gratefully recieved.......Looks like there are just 5 busses at Hook and doing the run.

I have to as also being a BB virgin the same thought had crossed my mind, have we missed something :?: :?: perhaps next year we should try and find an EB camp site close to Brighton :?: :?:
I've only done this once (2006) and couldn't understan why so many wnt straight to Brighton, suppose to get a good space ont he front.

Loads turn up at hook road ont he Saturday morning though.

The run is brilliant
Ive always dont the run in the past but feeling responsible for the line up I thought id go direct to assist in the set up. The cruise is a great thing to be do and be part of! Youll love it.

I guess some dont wish to double back on themselves geographically too.
Really looking forward to it, am sure the run will be a great laugh!
Clem, you 100% sure I can just turn up at Hook Road and pay for camping tonight? I have now actually read the pack from SSVC, which says all camping must be prepayed.

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