Bristol Volksfest 2013

Early Bay Forum

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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. to the v.w scene did a few trips last year would like to join club how do I do this am going to Bristol volksfest. Cheers.
Unfortunately there isn't enough space for another bus with us in the main arena this year, I had to let the organisers know the number of buses at the end of April.
There's still plenty of room in General Camping though and you can come and say hello over the weekend.

It's not really a club and we're not very "scene", just a few people that own buses, like a drink or two and sit in a field talking bollocks as it gets dark.
Sometimes there's dancing involved as well.....

Kevoski said:
Sounds great will come and say hello bring a few cans and talk bollocks. :D

Sounds like you will fit in like a dream with us dood :lol: 8)
sparkywig said:
Sometimes there's dancing involved as well..... :lol:

Actually it's a prerequisite

Ill bring one of these 8)

ozziedog said:
I is coming,,,,,,,,, dya fink I needs to prebook ????? Or get them tickets on the day ???

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wasss Rekkon ? :lol:

Are you bringing one of your Super dooper Marquees again this year ;) we have got a new one, i ******* hope it holds up to the i mean i mean the wind and weather :mrgreen:
easy said:
ozziedog said:
I is coming,,,,,,,,, dya fink I needs to prebook ????? Or get them tickets on the day ???

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Wasss Rekkon ? :lol:

Are you bringing one of your Super dooper Marquees again this year ;) we have got a new one, i ******* hope it holds up to the i mean i mean the wind and weather :mrgreen:

Ello mate, this year I is gonna check the weather forecast before I loads up de bus . If it looks as good as it`s supposed to be, we can have that biggy marquee to keep the sun of us during the day 8) 8) 8)
If the wind is hurricane force ten ,,,,,,, again,,,,,,,,, I`ll leave the bugger back at the ranch :roll:

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Early Bay hang gliding team (all of us maybe ) :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

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