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Yes bud, but I can’t get there until late Friday as I’ve got a previous engagement in Exeter and won’t get away until after lunch minimum, then back to Bristol then get van then on to Malvern.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,When we getting the tickets? :)
Dull grey and damp this morning ,lets hope it brightens up as off for a visit.
Well back for 1pm, met Oz and had a chinwag then walked around looking at the stalls. Too much water cooled and tat stalls now, still I got some Beetle trim strips and split bus side window seals for the Austin. Sofa time!!
Like 67pannel had done would love to hear some more independent reviews.

Good and bad points, I always I joyed the bands. And use to have the most stalls to gander at.

Also liked that they offered a hook up to all pitches gets nippy this time of year
Well i’ve just driven up M5 from Devon and was great to see all those going south who had been the show. Splits Bays Wedgies and beetles.. lovely. Made the long drive way more enjoyable.
Ozziedog spotted you I think south of Stroud with another bay in front of you.
I was in our people carrier (the flying turd!)
Hope you all had a great weekend 🤙🤙🌈👍
Well i’ve just driven up M5 from Devon and was great to see all those going south who had been the show. Splits Bays Wedgies and beetles.. lovely. Made the long drive way more enjoyable.
Ozziedog spotted you I think south of Stroud with another bay in front of you.
I was in our people carrier (the flying turd!)
Hope you all had a great weekend 🤙🤙🌈👍
Yup, that was me and the other one was Justin aka Creation Blue. How did you know it was me lol :)

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,,,he do get noticed :)
Over priced ice cream, over priced day entry (£25) and bought a "gourmet burger" on the way out to take home that gave me indigestion all afternoon. Show is not the same as it once was, got stuck behind a convoy of T6s doing 35/40 mph and they say bays are slow!!
Over priced ice cream, over priced day entry (£25) and bought a "gourmet burger" on the way out to take home that gave me indigestion all afternoon. Show is not the same as it once was, got stuck behind a convoy of T6s doing 35/40 mph and they say bays are slow!!
Different type of slow bud, they’re going steady as told to them by their other halfs so they don’t damage their crockery with pictures of splitties on, they’d be in deep shtoock if any of their ‘rare’ plates got smashed. Bays are a tad different as in slightly down on ponies in them noisy cupboards . Slightly different attitude, mostly just hopeful with a dainty dash of desperado . What could possibly go wrong . Vans worth next to nothing for decades and run on a shoestring budget, worked on by ever increasing dickheads (US) and their mates from up the street and round the corner , advised mostly by the chap up the pub and a plonker or two on them forums, replacement parts made primarily of Chineeeesium with a dollop of super glue and held on with gaffer tape. Again,,,, what could go wrong,,,,,,it’ll be fine.

Ozziedog,,,,,,,,,let’s go,,,,,, flooooorrrrr it ! :) :cool: :)
I had a great time tbh, bought a T6 for my mate with the help of Oz & Bundy, spent time with friends new and old, laughed a hell of a lot, drank a fair bit and played music to some very happy people in the hub! Finally had a browse around on the Sunday and then cruised home with Oz!
What the hell is not to like?

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