bustypes needs an earlybay contingent

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I'm going to get there about 11am complete with the tribe (kids). Might even stop over Sat night.

Also going to bring a dozen of each of the forum stickers inc the 72 crossover coalition sticker (see thread in the shop area). That way you can save on postage. If you want anything else doing let me know and I make it and bring it along. Sod's law my website has gone doen just the the crap host site :evil: :evil: , should be back up soon.
Dunno if I am going to make it now. Doing the DK gearbox conversion in a day was a big ask. I am still not 100% fit with the ankle, but it is better.

I thought the conversion would be easy, but I can't even get the gearbox apart properly. I think I am gonna need expert help with this one. It's got me beat & I am fuming. I hate it when things don't go right. I could borrow a gearbox for the week end, but dunno if I can be bothered.
I have borrowed a gearbox, and fitted it in just know. I have all the gears but no clutch.

Not sure what's going on yet, it goes into all gears with the engine off, but won't go in while it's running. I think I might have a clutch/bearing miss match.

Engine out again tomo then. :(
mabee a daft question, but you do have the clutch cable adjusted right dont you?i remember when i put my bus back togeather after resto ,i had forgoten that i slackend the clutch right of,couldent understand why i couldent get gears once it was running :lol: :oops:,im sure you not as daft as me but hay you never know :mrgreen:
I have adjusted it right up, I have just lobbed a CE code gearbox in that has what looks like a late release bearing, I swapped the clutch cover to match, but it's just not having it. I have had this trouble before on a customers van, but can't remember what it was.

If you put it in gear then start the van up, you can feel it dragging, but as you lift the clutch the bite point is in the usual place.

I am fitting a CE box to a customers van tomo, so will see what clutch is on there. If it's early, I will come home & pull my engine & swap it over. I should be able to do it in about an hour & a half.

It does give you the 'ump when things don't go right. **** happens I guess.
whos still coming?just a ruff idea of who is camping in the club camping bit so i can set a little area up for us,dont want to claim an acre to be sat there on my own looking like a tit :lol: :mrgreen:
strongy said:
whos still coming?just a ruff idea of who is camping in the club camping bit so i can set a little area up for us,dont want to claim an acre to be sat there on my own looking like a tit :lol: :mrgreen:
I'm definately there with the family :D
Stupid question but where is the camping in relation to the show? :oops: :lol: :oops:
Also what time are people planning on arriving, we've managed to adjust the daughters swimming lesson can be there any time after 1400 :!:
well gates open at 2 ddfrost and myselfhope to be there for then,il stick my flag up,it has scull and crossbows(will prob be about 10 others tho :mrgreen: )also should have an earlybay banner at ground level,my number is ..
07966632071 if any one cant find us give us a bell
If there is room, Me and 'the missus' will be there......We are travelling from Norfolk and aim to be there for around 2-3.

This will be the first time meeting you all so will keep an eye out for the Skull & Crosbones flag. I don't think the van would
be up for the line up as it needs a few repairs to the bodywork :oops:

Looking forward to it, I just hope we get there!! :lol: Its about 220 miles from here!
strongy said:
well gates open at 2 ddfrost and myselfhope to be there for then,il stick my flag up,it has scull and crossbows(will prob be about 10 others tho :mrgreen: )also should have an earlybay banner at ground level,my number is ..
07966632071 if any one cant find us give us a bell

Cheers strongy, if Leon and i can't find you i'll fone, i think we will be there sat morning, save us some space dude :)

keep ya eyes out for these,think they look ace :mrgreen:

I'm gonna hopefully be there at about 5 pm fri and my bro will either be there at about 11pm or if he can't get there before the gates shut he'll be there early sat, and we'll head for the skull and crossbones.
For those who want to be in the EarlyBay Line up on Saturday (the more the merrier ;) ):

Dean has asked if we can bring the vans into the main arena for 9:30am on the Saturday? I will then co-ordinate parking.

See you all there and I hope you all have a safe trip.

Thanks Srtongy for organising the camping spot!

Jon 07801 627195
Hi all, I'll be there with the future mrs Saturday afternoon. Got the future brother in laws birthday Friday night. The things we do for love!! :sick0020:
dave,thats what the missus said :lol: ,she dident understand why i would pay for em to be made,after i exsplained i spent half my free time on the furum and its my way of putting a little back,she was even more baffled :lol: .women.

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