Carb help again

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
Ok so having a few problems and need to get them sorted asap as going for a road trip on Sunday for 2 months so any help would be amazing

I fitted a new carb tonight a Solex 30pitc 2 refurbed. Im running stock all round really 1600sp.

The idle is very low and when i come to a stop the warning light on the dash comes on and the presure gauge goes to about 5psi it doesn't stall though. It drives quite well seems to pick up speed faster than before but the oil presure is still quite low a lot less than it used to be? The temps fine aswell, when i stopped for 5 minutes it went right down faster than it used too. It's running rich im sure as smells like it. Any idea's what all this is about?
I also changed the spark plugs tonight they were sutty, set the plugs to 0.025. Not sure if this has affected the oil presure or not?

Just generally a bit worried as going away so soon and need to get this started.

Thanks a lot

On a 30 pict 2 use the throttle arm screw to set the tick over to around 850 RPM, as for running rich you should have the fuel screw in the side of the carb out about 2.5 to 2.75 turns from fully in.

The tick over mixture is the only thing you can adjust on this carb, if its still running rich after doing this set up, then the jets are either larger than stock or damaged.

The only other thing that may cause rich running is fuel pump pressure being to high, but that is only likely if you have fitted a new pump.

As for your oil pressure light being on this is probably due to the tick over being to low, if your not sure where 850 RPM is (need a tachometer to accurately set this), turn the throttle position screw in until the oil light goes out. Set the mixture screw first.
Hiya matt,

What noddy said, X2

And I'd add, you might want to refer to Rob & Dave's website for a step-by-step in adjusting your 30PICT2. Point your browser at......" onclick=";return false;

For what it might be worth...........over here in the States many folks who originally ran a 30PICT2 have changed out to either a 30PICT3 or a 30/31PICT. The 30PICT2 is identified with the 1500 series engines and the 30PICT3 and 30/31PICT are more identified with use on the 1600 singleport.