Carb problem - what to do?

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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2009
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Having made it to and from Stanford Hall ok, we went for a little local trip, then lots of backfiring, popping and ground to a halt.

The plug on the side of the carb - standard Solex 34 PICT 3 - the 5pm sized one that faces the engine lid - was not there! I did a temporary fix with a 5p piece, two cable ties and some gaffer tape, which got us home ok.

But what to do? The carb has not been running right for a while - and a total bugger when just warm. We're also getting around 18mpg, which isn't great.

I can't see a replacement plug listed on VW Heritage. So I'm thinking new carb. I want to keep the standard setup. But after reports on here, which carb? VW Heritage list Kafer and Bocar, there's GSF, then there's all the other suppliers. Or refurbed originals - but I'm a little wary of paying out for something that I'm not convinced will be ok.

Thoughts folks?

I've got a bocar on mine, was on it when i got the bus and runs fine, do not know what MPG i get tho, never bothered working it out, would probebly scare me **** less!!!!!!!!!!!
I had good results with an Empi unit from Just Kampers, was £112.00 and worked a treat with my 1600SP. Since changed it for 34ICts.......better still on the economy front!

stick the 5p on with araldite or jb weld (used to be a sixpence) job done, get a rebuild kit from gfs strip it down blow out the jets should be good as new, bocar ? dont waste your money (ask me how i know :roll: )
Hiya 71,

The plug you are referring to is known (at least over here in the States) as a blow-out plug. It is designed to be a "weak link" and blow out during a back fire. This is to prevent damage occuring to other components during a backfire.

A couple of observations if you will.............. This plug should not be affixed to the carb body in a permanent manner. To do so negates its intended function. Rather it should be peened in place (as it was originally).

That the plug has gone missing is attributable to two possibilities. The obvious possibility is a backfire blowout. The other possibility is that the peening of the original has given up the ghost and the durned thing just fell out due to engine vibration. If this was due to a backfire you want to be sure the conditions causing that backfire have been remedied before doing any sorts of fixes.

I would strongly advise that, if you are to go looking for a new carburetor, to opt for a rebuilt Solex rather than a new EMPI, Brosol, or Bocar (or whatever else may be out there on the market in Jolly Old England). The newer aftermarket carburetors are a considerable step down in quality from the German Solexes. The castings are not as sharp and the carbs look as though they have been assembled in a mud hut. Matter of fact (and I learned this the hard way), I would not install one of these aftermarket carbs without first having disassembled it and cleaned it thoroughly. That being said, once these carbs have been cleaned and tweaked they can perform satisfactorily. But my first (actually MY only) choice is a rebuilt Solex.
Thanks for all this advice. Yes - it did backfire a couple of times, which I had guessed forced the plug out. I just didn't know it was meant too!

As I said, I've been plagued by poor running with this carb for a while.... I've had it cleaned and cleaned it myself. But just not been able to get it to run right. Timing, tappets, fuel supply, filters etc all been checked many times.

Hmm - anyone know where to get a recon Solex?

Nick" onclick=";return false; laurie ellis has a good rep, dont know how much
Anyone got a refurbed Solex carb from krustykarbs in the US? Given the exchange rate, they seem to cost in. But are they good?

I had the plug blow out on my Brosal H30/31 carb, which generally ran crap anyway. I have araldited a euro 1c piece in the hole as a temporary measure, but the carb was always a nightmare to set up.

I got a genuine german Solex 31 Pict 4 off a mate, and have just sent that off to Gower & Lee for a re-build. Should cost about £100 so hopefully will have a sweet running carb soon.
Just to clear up some confusion - Brosol H30/31 carbs are actually very well made but need the correct jets because they run a bit weak straight out of the box. I've run them for years on my splits and they perform as well as genuine Solex carbs, especially on sp engines. For jet sizes see

Bocar on the other hand are total rubbish - so much so that I use two as weights to hold one of my fishing nets down. It also has a 009 dizzy on it, which shows what I think of those as well :evil: