Well it looks like the 68's day could be numbered, after coming so close yet so far to getting it roadworthy and mot'd
It's fought me all the way and I'm just completely pissed off with the sight of it at the moment and everything I try and do just fails.
For some reason it developed a leak on the master cylinder and when I went to investigate it's sheared both the beetle fittings that were in there :shock:
Also the engines started to make some funny knocking noises, which I originally thought were just the tappets which I was going to recheck anyway but it's developed into something louder.
It's also now refusing to start but I think that's just cause there's no fuel in the tank!
Last job from me this week was to mount the seat belts, which were also donated by a t25 (they have there uses)
I've also finished plumbing in the servo and the only job left to do is fit and plumb in the rear shocks.
Anyway I've got a guy coming down from Scotland next week to look at her
Do they all currently work and are you on one key? Or do they need re keying? If you can get them over too me I can do them in work which is easier. 8)
Knowing you I'm sure you have already but if I was you I'd order a new key for the ignition/tailgate (number should be on the tailgate lock) to re-key the other too. Means your not setting the new ones up to a worn key.