Changing rear shocks any tips?

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Jan 17, 2010
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I have done a search but cant find any info and i think i must be missing something and would appreciate any advice.

I jacked up and put the van on stands got the wheels off to change the rear shocks and covered them in wd40 but no matter how hard i try i cant seem to crack the nuts off!

Does anyone have any tips or can tell me an easy way to change the shocks or is it a grinding job!

Many thanks
As above ^^^^ soak em over night and try the next day, if that doesnt work you can try heating them up a touch, but if not its grinder time :D
WD40 is a water dispersant rather than a penetrating oil.

Plus gas and similar is designed for the job.
I had similar problem with my daily driver, but a few minutes with a gasheater made a miracle!

So; heat the nut up, like 30 secs or more, and be ready with the tools. It should release easy.

It's physically based on the fact that a 1000 mm metal stick will be 1001 mm when heated to 100 degrees (stolen from Wikipedia)

I also used heat when i took my gearchange system apart on my 65' bus, the front selector ring can be painfull to get of..not with heat :)

I Put a ring spanner on the nut an hit the spanner with a club hammer till it moved, and it did.

creationblue said:
I Put a ring spanner on the nut an hit the spanner with a club hammer till it moved, and it did.


Big hammer approach eh :lol: Not recommended because it's too easy to snap the threaded lug. Much better to use heat as above and/or Plusgas (NOT WD40 - it is NOT A PENETRATING OIL and can actually make it harder to remove a nut) Work the nut to and fro to get rid of the rust.

You may find that the inner sleeve on the bottom bush is seized on the lug. Just cut it off carefully with an angle grinder or use lots of heat and a pair of gas pliers to work it off the lug.
Thanks guys i do not have any gas pliers will a hair dryer do (my neighbours already think i am wired up wrong).

How the hell do you get to the top nut its right up in the chassis?
justicewhittle said:
Thanks guys i do not have any gas pliers will a hair dryer do (my neighbours already think i am wired up wrong).

How the hell do you get to the top nut its right up in the chassis?

You need more heat than that dooder, a blow torch will do it ;)
nora said:
The manufacturer says it does

If you leave it for a few days WD40 penetrates.

They would won't they :lol: Trust me - I've had 50 years of removing rusty nuts and Plusgas is magic compared to WD. If you leave WD a few days in the summer it evaporates (and why would you want to wait a few days to do a job?) :?

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