After getting in from a long day at work and commuting, I was out in the garage for 3 and a half hours taking the dropped spindles apart to fix the leaves which weren't allowing the other side to go on properly, then putting it all back together again.
Anyway - done now :msn4:
I'm pretty pleased with the kit - quality is excellent. The height could have been down a little - like 1/2" - but it's fine. I plan to take the over-all height down (not wheel arch height, I mean bus height) by using skinnier tyres on the front - pictured here with my old 14" with 185/70/14s on.
I also let a bit of air out of the front tyre for the last shots just to simulate having smaller tyres on.
The suspension travel is amazing - it is like a bouncy castle compared to before. However, dissapointly, as andyo11 pointed out - the Red9 Spax coil-overs are not tall enough to use with the d-spindles, so I am going to have to buy some better suited coil-overs. So, looks like my entire Red 9 kit is up for sale!!
So, yep, pleased with the height. Compared with before, I think it's raised about 1".
But as I say, I hope to regain that 1" (or close to it) by putting skinnys on the front - like Graham L's:
I never set out to have a slammed bus, just a lowered one that drives well, so hopefully this is the solution - a low 'over all' height of the bus, but still have lots of suspension travel - the one compromise being you can see a bit more of the inner arch - so the wheel doesn't fill it as well.