Engine bay wiring headache.

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Well-known member
Apr 5, 2015
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Evening all,

Just been trying to sort the mess of wiring in my engine bay, I had a piece of trunking coming into the bay with 4 wires, they had all been joined into one big yellow crimp connector and then out of there it connected to the coil, carb x 2, reverse light fuse and oil pressure switch.

Couldn't leave it alone as it was because it was clearly n ot right so whipped the connector out to expose the wiring beneath to work out what was what. I have a blue/green which I believe is the oil pressure, a black which seems to split to both the connections on the carb but then stuck for which is supposed to go to the coil and what the other is for? Can't see the right colour wires on the Bentley diagram for my year bus (1971 US import deluxe) but I may be looking in the wrong place.

Pic to help - excuse the poor crimp connectors - only to be used for trouble shooting then I'll solder and sort properly!

Cheers - very similar to the ones I have. Still struggling to find any clue as to what the wires I've got coming in to my engine bay are supposed to be for - I'll have to get tracing them back to the fuse box. Did the wiring colours change at any point? I've got what looks lke white with a black trace and white with a green trace... Could be wrong though as they're old and discoloured.
Pick the right year from here http://www.vintagebus.com/wiring/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; black is ignition feed should go to coil and from there to the carb connection. Blue and green is oil pressure. Not sure about others as they don't seem to match
They don't match - seems to be that they're for the diagnostic plug in the engine bay, I'm going to try methodically remove all traces of it as I don't think it will ever come in handy and so far has proved to cause more headaches than you would care to imagine!
My bus is a 72 crossover (from Canada but originally went to USA) my electrics are a mixture wiring diagrams 71/72 and 73 onwards. I'll look at my wires tomorrow and report back.
Regarding your wiring problems. Was everything working before you opened up connection? If so with ignition on you should have 2 live wires. One which connects to coil and the other to oil pressure switch. Normally the black wire goes to 15 on coil and the other live wire to oil pressure switch.Feed from dizzy goes on terminal 1 on coil. You are then left with other 2 wires.One is for carb cut off and choke and the other for reversing lights. Both these wires go on terminal 15. To check if you want switch ignition on and put in reverse gear and put one of the wires onto terminal 15. If the lights dont come on but the you hear a click from carb solonoid that wire is for carb,then connect the other wire and reversing lights should come on.

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