engine support bar bolt help.

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
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One of the large bolts that holds the engine support bar to the engine was snapped into the engine when I bought my bus,

my dad tried to help me get it out by drilling into it and using a stud extractor to get it, out he got the broken bit out but in the process drilled through the back of the broken bit of bolt through the engine and oil started coming out.

I bought a new bolt,but was wondering what the best way to stop the oil working through the threads and leaking out.

Jim-Bob said:
One of the large bolts that holds the engine support bar to the engine was snapped into the engine when I bought my bus,

my dad tried to help me get it out by drilling into it and using a stud extractor to get it, out he got the broken bit out but in the process drilled through the back of the broken bit of bolt through the engine and oil started coming out.

I bought a new bolt,but was wondering what the best way to stop the oil working through the threads and leaking out.


O! :shock: , try some thread seal or ptf tape, you should be able to get both from any furry dice shop

or something similar
You could try putting a plug of blue hylomar in the hole before you bolt it up, hylomar is used for sealing engine cases etc.

You should try to clean any oil off before you seal it will help it bond to the surface.

The only other thing I can think of is using a rubber washer that wil get crushed by the mounting bolt this should expand the washer and form a seal around the edge of the hole, is the hole in to the case smaller than the bolt hole?
good call Noddy - caution to the unwary - the sealant if not 'supervised' could gloop into the sump, possibly break free [the gloop drip] and block/partially block an oilway....

I know silicone is slightly different but an engine I stripped down was killed by the PO using bathroom silicone on a thread that had broken thru the case, the 'drip' or excess squeezed into the case obviously broke free from the threaded bit [all still fully sealed] and wandered around in the oil until it partially blocked one of the top oil galleries...........

the other possible option - thinking outloud and not much thought went into this suggestion!! - is chemical metal and carfeully rethread the hole - same caution applies though with getting excess inside the case.

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