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Early Bay Forum

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36 - Not bad, i've only had my van a few months!! I really should spend more time working on it lol
id like a list of cool ranks for EBers for the more eloquent of you. were talking 5000+ now :character0049:

anyone any ideas post them up. we have some cool new smileys as well, if you couldnt tell im bored... and just doing a bit of a tidy up on the forums too, putting posts in the right locations etc.
always the way I'm stuck in the 80's Adam ant, culture club,Duran Duran,Elo,ub40 ,and not to mention only fools a horses any other favourites.Frankie.
I never check mine - I'm always too busy trying to find new smiley's...

:ras: :evilgrin0010: :catfight: :winking0060: :D :) :( :evil: :cry: :oops: :p :x :lol: 8) :? :shock: :eek: :roll: ;) :!: :?: :idea: :| :mrgreen: :anim_53: :character0066: :character0049: :character0008: :character0007: :pimp1: :bottle: :cool0008: :cool0041: :cooter: :fighting0028: :fruity: :mad0058: :mad0025: :love0026: :innocent0002: :innocent0001: :fyou: :makeout: :moon: :motion: :msn4: :party0009: :party0021: :party0048: :party0047: :party0041: :party0037: :party0049: :party0053: :rolleye0016: :sad0049: :sad2: :sick0006: :shadey: :satanlook: :sick0010: :tongue0013: :tongue0022: :turninggay: :whip:


(PS Cheers for the new smiley's Johnny!)
id like a list of cool ranks for EBers for the more eloquent of you. were talking 5000+ now

Your just going to highlight the sad arses amongst us.......

lonely dubber seeks....
Ben Pons love child
earlybay jötnar
Just checked (you can't help but look :shadey: )

9th, not bad to say I'm hardly on nowadays - early last year I thinks I was 3rd so slowly going south :character0049:

Loving the smilies too - can never have enough :cool0008:
Johnny said:
id like a list of cool ranks for EBers for the more eloquent of you. were talking 5000+ now :character0049:

anyone any ideas post them up. we have some cool new smileys as well, if you couldnt tell im bored... and just doing a bit of a tidy up on the forums too, putting posts in the right locations etc.

What a step up from earlybay is my life? What could be next?

5000+ Earlybay till the light of day :anim_53: ?

Anyway I'm all the 2's 22

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