Few snaps from our Cornwall jaunt...

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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Bit late in uploading these 'cos i've been busy cathcing up at work.

We had an awesome week and a half away in the van at the end of august, one of the best holidays we've had.

The plan was to attend the Cornwall VWOC Jamboree for the first time this year, but since it's a touch over 530miles from us we decided to make a holiday out of it.

So the wednesday before the show we set off - First stop Stafford. My wife's cousin has just recently had a baby so we thought we'd visit. We spent the afternoon with them and then headed off to find somewhere to camp. Second stop Cannock Chase, a bit further south of Stafford. Ended up on a caravan & camping club site, not ideal(read: expensive - £28!) but at least it was quiet/clean.


Thursday's plans were to get to Bristol to stay the night with friends. Since we had all day to do so, we decided to take a detour and go and have a look at Shrewsbury. Not a bad place at all(aided by the beautiful weather). found a nice bistro for lunch, had a stroll along the river, then set off for Bristol.

Had a good night with friends/alcohol in Bristol and then set of for the Jamboree on Friday morning. they both had to work but were coming to meet us on the evening.

Arrived at the Jamboree about 5hrs later after numerous detours and stops along the way, and set up camp.

What an awesome show, really chilled out and clearly very well organised. A good weekend was had by all.


So after the Jamboree we decided to go and find somewhere nice to camp, we checked our "Cool camping guide" book and read about a nice cliff top campsite at Treen, a few miles along from Lands End.

Off we headed. unfortunately when we got there it was full. However in Treen village there was a car park for the beach/cliffs which allowed overnight camping - by permission of the owner of the neighbouring cottage, a pleasant elderly gentlemen. I went to enquire and returned with a ticket for the night and a smile on my face. One nights camping £3.50. Now that's more like it!


One small field away from the cliffs, public toilets that were reasonable should you need them, and to top it off there was a young girl who had a couple of pony's in the next field. Our two girls were only too happy to help feed and water them, and she was only too happy to let them. Que a couple of hours of peace, twice a day. :D

The other nice thing about it here, just a ten minute walk and you were here:


How nice is that!

More to follow...
We stayed there for a couple of days and then decided to head up towards Newquay. We ended up going to Perranporth, we found a nice campsite which was very pleasant and had an animal feeding/petting area which the children enjoyed. Que a bit more peace and quiet… ;) :D


That was Bella, she was rocking the shell necklace like a true beach chick, I really quite fancy owning a goat now!

So we spent the rest of the week there. Got the girls some bodyboards and wetsuits and we spent most of the time in the sea. It was the complete opposite of the last place we stayed but it was enjoyable.

The next part of the plan was to travel home via VW Action at Santa Pod. Seemed like a good way to end the holiday!

9 & ½ hours later we arrived at Santa Pod. Bloody hell, getting out of Cornwall was slow work, it should have only taken us about 5 hours :shock: :roll:

We arrived at about 9.30pm so rather than being squeezed into the last remaining tiny spots allocated for Friday arrivals in the general camping area, we went in the Family camping area down by the gate. We walked a fair few miles that weekend! Because the girls had been well behaved all week, and it was a long way back to the van, they got a new toy:


Now they can be one of the many thousand at every show that people grumble about tripping over :lol:

Another good weekend was had, and since we didn’t need to be back until Tuesday we thought we’d spend another night somewhere. We headed off back up the M1 and got as far as Nottingham. After consulting the books we found a nice campsite to stay the night at.

Still more....
Monday morning comes and we set off for home. The last part of the plan was to call in at Meadowhall in Sheffield to get the girls some new schooliforms for the Tuesday start back at school.

Well, that plan didn’t go so well. Travelling through Nottingham we pulled up to a red light and the van cut out. Nothing too unusual there, but this time it wouldn’t start. Arse. We quickly pushed it into a car park round the corner to see what was up. After about 10mins head scratching I phoned for the roadside assistance…:(

They were with us in 10 mins which was pretty impressive. He diagnosed that the either the coil or condenser was shot so we’d have to be trailered home. He wasn’t capable of doing that so we’d have to wait for his colleague, he’d be about ¾ hour.

There is an up side to this sad tale, for unbeknown to us when after a look around we were in the car park of the UK’s only HOOTERS bar!! It was fate. We told the guy to tell his colleague to be a couple of hours and we’d go for lunch.

So we had a pretty damn good meal whilst we waited and after a few phone calls we found out that there was a GSF in Nottingham, and they had a coil and a condenser in stock. Result. When the flatbed arrived we told the guy of our plan, to go via GSF, if that didn’t fix the problem he could take us all the way home. While i helped load up the van(read: make sure it didn't get scratched!), my wife popped back in to Hooters and then this happened…


Lovely ladies :D 8)

Then followed about four hours of arsing around in the ghetto of Nottingham. We soon established that the points had disintegrated so replaced them as well and then we ended up at a proper back street garage run by an Iranian chap. “I can fix this” was his answer so the recovery guy dumped us there…..great. It took a while, mainly ‘cos the guy was doing 20 jobs at once but he soon found out that the rotor arm had gone too. He was the kind of old school mechanic that could have fixed it with a paperclip and some sellotape! He soldered a wire across the rotor arm terminals and ordered us back to GSF to get a new one before we went any further.

I hesitantly enquired about the cost of this repair, expecting the worst. .. .. .. “£10”. This chap had spent about an hour(on and off) problem solving, moving cars around to jump start us, but most importantly saved us the indignity of having to arrive home on the back of a flatbed wagon. So I gave him £15! – I know, I’m generous to the core!

So off we went to Meadowhall for a spot of, now late night shopping, and then home under our own steam. I’ve not completely worked out how many miles we travelled but it’s in the region of 2000, possibly a touch over. Not bad going eh!?

We had a week of rest(apart from having to renew a leaking rear wheel cylinder) and then come Friday afternoon, set off for another 750 mile round trip to Vanfest, this time without incident!

Now that’s what I call a family holiday!
Nice pictures - You look as though you had a fantastic time.

I went to treen farm at the end of August too and had the same thing - It was full. I didn't realise that you could camp on the car park!!!!!

We went off somewhere else for the evening and managed to get onto the campsite the following day.

It was a superb place to be and the beaches were great.

I will get round to posting some pics once I have my van back.

I'm afraid my camera is still in the van after Vanfest having its new gearbox fitted!!!!! I can't wait to get it back.
Good on you buddy, superb pics & one truly happy family holiday. My van is still in Malvern, now fixed & waiting for me to collect.
Great pics dude and looks like an ace holiday. Shame we didnt meet up at thge Jamboree or Bristol, but there is always next year. 8)

P.S.....Nice erm....Hooters! :wink:
easy said:
Great pics dude and looks like an ace holiday. Shame we didnt meet up at thge Jamboree or Bristol, but there is always next year. 8)

P.S.....Nice erm....Hooters! :wink:

thanks :oops:

I spotted your van at the jamboree but i didn't see anyone around it....next time. :)
That's the sort of holiday that you'll all remember for years to come - I'm glad you had such a great time and that your van behaved itself - 2,000 miles isn't bad for any old vehicle! :D

Great thread - thanks for sharing it with us 8)

Forwarded the link on to my wife as that is the kind of trip I'm hoping
for when (if) I get my van on the road - thanks very much and good
on ya 8) :D
speedwell68 said:
Ace pics, was that Tollgate in Perranporth?

Yeah, it was. Nice site and not too expensive either :)

There was a couple of other VW's there too - 2 bays, 3 wedges and a T4.
Excellent thread! Very inspirational, this is one of the reasons I bought my Bay so that the family and I can take this kind of trip next year :)

Good to see you had a good holiday, the pics are great!! :D

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