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Active member
Jun 18, 2012
Reaction score
just found this: ebay 251135393943. would this be worth the money?. need advice have contacted seller, waiting reply. fingers crossed for me excited. i know it's not an early but all your advice is well appreciated.... :D
looks to good to be true which probably means it is!!
don't part with any money without all paperwork in hand!

It looks like a scam but thats my opinion!

Good luck :!:
Sorry to say it but looks like a scam listing, too cheap for what's on offer, new seller with no feed back, and asking straight away for you to send an email for more pics (one scam is to get your email then hack your PayPal)

I might be wrong but you can't be too careful

Oh and it's a late bay definitely dodgy :lol: :lol:
thanks for all you replies. the van has disappeared. i think you were right.. thanks for your advice, and no the seller didn't get back in touch through ebay or moile :D
hello everyone.... just thought i would keep you up to date on the bay search..... you were right.. it was a scam. i had another email worded exactly the same as the other 3.... and guess where the location had changed to???? you guesssed it SCOTLAND (again). either scotland is full of crooks or someone is trying to give them a bad reputation (no offense to any scots by the way)... thinking of giving up my search and just admire you all from afar..... just seem to have an eye for a scam :eek:(
Lots and lots of campervan scams on fleabay!
I "won" two vans before the one I have now, both from Scotland. They both said they were single ladies and requested eBay buyer assistance or some pish like that even though I've not heard of it. Wanted the cash and then they would send the van!!! Hahaha, how stupid do they think we are?!! All messages back and forth were in broken English so it's probably Africans or eastern Europeans. Beware!
tinworm said:
hello everyone.... just thought i would keep you up to date on the bay search..... you were right.. it was a scam. i had another email worded exactly the same as the other 3.... and guess where the location had changed to???? you guesssed it SCOTLAND (again). either scotland is full of crooks or someone is trying to give them a bad reputation (no offense to any scots by the way)... thinking of giving up my search and just admire you all from afar..... just seem to have an eye for a scam :eek:(

Give up your search? Are you mad? :msn4:

The classifieds in Volksworld, Camper and Bus, etc. should be relatively safe ground and it is invaluable to be able to compare what you can get for your money easily.
Ryanmck1984 said:
Lots and lots of campervan scams on fleabay!
I "won" two vans before the one I have now, both from Scotland. They both said they were single ladies and requested eBay buyer assistance or some pish like that even though I've not heard of it. Wanted the cash and then they would send the van!!! Hahaha, how stupid do they think we are?!! All messages back and forth were in broken English so it's probably Africans or eastern Europeans. Beware!

Trust me, the Scots use just as much broken English as any Nigerian... :lol:
jonboylaw said:
Ryanmck1984 said:
Lots and lots of campervan scams on fleabay!
I "won" two vans before the one I have now, both from Scotland. They both said they were single ladies and requested eBay buyer assistance or some pish like that even though I've not heard of it. Wanted the cash and then they would send the van!!! Hahaha, how stupid do they think we are?!! All messages back and forth were in broken English so it's probably Africans or eastern Europeans. Beware!

Trust me, the Scots use just as much broken English as any Nigerian... :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
I saw a split screen on fleabay for £6000 and sent an email to request more info and the email reply was claiming the van was in Scotland so i couldn't view it and I could transfer the £6000 via paypal and van would be delivered to me. They were saying that it was covered by the Buyers Protection Policy which EXCLUDES vehicles!!! I had a bit of a laugh when they accepted my offer of £1000 for the van and I duly filled out the reply slip on the email giving them a very jokey name(Paul D Udderwon) and the address of Wandsworth Prison :lol:
That was about 8 months ago and I saw the same van back advertised. Best thing is to report them to ebay and they remove the ad.
The scary thing was that the "seller" had several other items for sale and a healthy feedback score so looks like a genuine advert.

I also saw the same beetle being sold by two sellers at the same time!?!?!? There are some really dodgy deals happening on ebay and you need to be very vigilant.

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